Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Mozambique Cold Storage Technology

U.S. companies that offer cold storage technologies will find growing demand in Mozambique.

Intelligent Transportation Systems Mozambique Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Sweden eHealth

U.S. eHealth companies with globally competitive products and services should consider customizing for the unique Swedish market.

Healthcare Sweden Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Portugal eCommerce

The eCommerce market in Portugal is growing steadily. 

eCommerce Industry Portugal
Market Intelligence
Portugal Education Sector

Portuguese students are actively seeking study abroad opportunities in the United States. 

Education Portugal
Market Intelligence
Portugal Medical Devices

Major suppliers to the medical devices in Portugal are: U. S. Germany, France and Japan. Increased opportunities for U.S. manufacturers are expected in coming years.

Medical Devices Portugal
Market Intelligence
Portugal Automotive

Portugal’s automotive sector is a promising target for U.S. exporters. 

Automotive Portugal
Market Intelligence
Sweden Travel and Tourism

The U.S. Travel Association estimates that spending by international travelers to/in the United States reached $255 billion and directly supported 1.2 million American jobs in 2019.

Travel and Tourism Sweden Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Sweden Smart Built Environment

Sweden’s energy-efficient and sustainable construction market offers good opportunities for U.S. companies in the design and construction sector. 

Building Products Sweden
Market Intelligence
Sweden Advanced Manufacturing Market

Sweden’s strong manufacturing and engineering sector provides ample opportunities for U.S. companies that offer digitalization, AI and machine learning tools. 

3D Printing Sweden Digital Economy
Market Intelligence
Sweden Cybersecurity Market

Swedish cybersecurity has ample opportunities for US companies in application security, identity and access, situational awareness and system recovery. 

Access Control Systems Sweden Information Technology
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Information and Communications Technology

After Brexit, the impact upon the UK’s Information and communication technology sector largely depends upon what model the UK adopts for its relationship with the EU. 

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence

Robotics engineering in Poland is a sector with excellent opportunities for U.S. companies.

Equipment and Machinery Europe Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
Poland 5G Development

Sales opportunities are open in Poland’s 5G network development.  

Information and Communication Technology Poland Digital Economy
Market Intelligence
Japan Fintech

Tokyo Japan is ranked as the third largest global financial center after New York and London and its “Fintech” market shows especially strong growth potential for U.S. firms. 

Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Korea Food Service Franchising

Where you come from matters if you want to enter the Korean Franchise market.

Franchising South Korea Export Marketing