Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Brazil's Local Content Requirement

The Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES) reduces local content requirements of machinery and equipment from 60 to 30 percent.

Brazil Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
Philippines Defense Sector Procurement

The Philippine military modernization program provides opportunities for U.S. companies to supply solutions and technologies for the country’s territorial defense strategies. 

Aerospace and Defense Philippines
Market Intelligence
Philippines Energy Storage Market

There are opportunities in The Philippines for U.S. suppliers of energy storage systems. 

Energy Philippines Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Philippines Smart Grid Market

The Philippines needs to take its grid to the next level with interoperable standards, and greater security. The utilities are seeking smart grid solutions, and opportunity for U.S. companies in the sector.

Energy Philippines Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Philippines FRANCHISE Market

The Philippines is a popular market for U.S. Franchises. 

Franchising Philippines Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Tonga Market Opportunities

Raw materials, poultry, consumer goods and capital goods present the most promising export opportunities for American companies in Tonga.

Tonga Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Poland Civil Nuclear Power Strategy

Poland’s Energy Policy by 2040 (PEP2040) maps out Poland’s plan to introduce nuclear power into its energy mix. 

Civil Nuclear Power Poland Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Poland EPRI Cooperates with Tauron

Tauron Group, the Polish state-owned electric power concern, has been participating in research programs carried out by the American Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in the area of energy storage. 

Energy Poland Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
Poland's Energy Efficiency

Poland plans to achieve the EU15 energy intensity level of 2005 by 2030 and is obligated to meet EU directives to improve energy efficiency by 20% in 2020, showing annual energy efficiency savings of 1.5%.

Energy Poland
Market Intelligence
Poland Agricultural Machinery Market

Poland’s agricultural economy is shifting away from subsistence agriculture and labor-intensive farming and making progress toward larger-scale commercial production.

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Poland Market Access
Market Intelligence
Poland Mobile Banking

Poland’s mobile banking market has been growing dynamically and is considered one of the most developed in the world. 

Banking Poland Finance
Market Intelligence

Poland’s automotive industry is an important manufacturing sectors that has become Central and Eastern Europe’s manufacturing hub for cars, car parts and components. 

Automotive Europe Trade Development
Market Intelligence

The market for hunting, sporting arms, and accessories is developing in Poland. 

Sporting Goods Europe Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Poland Power Generation

Almost eighty percent of Poland’s electricity is produced by hard and brown coal fired power plants that were built between1960-1980, and no longer meet the EU’s strict environmental requirements for greenhouse gas emissions reduction. 

Energy Poland
Market Intelligence
Poland Power Transmission and Distribution

Expanding and upgrading of Poland’s electricity transmission network is a key element to meet its EU goals of increasing renewable energy sources.

Electricity Infrastructure Poland Market Access