Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
China Some Fire Safety Products

Chinese authorities remove 13 fire-safety products from the CCC Catalog.


Equipment and Machinery China Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
China CNCA Adjusts in October 2019

CNCA removes 18 products from CCC Compulsory Product Certification Catalog. 

Machinery and Tools China Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
China CNCA Adjusts CCC Catalog

CNCA revises and adds two new product categories to CCC Compulsory Product Certification Catalog.

Equipment and Machinery China Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
China Changes Certification - Certain Products

Chinese authorities add explosion prevention apparatus, household gas appliances, and refrigerators with volume of 500L to CCC catalog.

Equipment and Machinery China Trade Development
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Technology

The UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) is exploring the utility of telexistence capabilities which is defined by MOD as a system which allows a human user to operate in an environment without physically being there. 

Computer Hardware United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Ireland Digital Health

Ireland reshapes its healthcare system with digital solutions.  

Health Information Technology Europe Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Taiwan smart agriculture & precision farming

Taiwan presents opportunities for qualified American agricultural technology producers.

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Taiwan Market Access
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Funding Priorities

The UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) has funding available for industry and academia to help tackle the Defense Innovation Priorities. 

Defense Equipment Europe
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Remote Sensing Satellite

Satellite sensing capabilities integrated with geographical information systems are needed in Indonesia. 

Space Indonesia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Mexico hybrid and electric vehicles

Disruptive technologies in the automotive industry can be opportunities for U.S. exporters.

Automotive Parts Mexico Exports
Market Intelligence
Finland 5G A Global Launchpad

A network of testbed facilities make Finland a great launchpad for 5G and 6G solutions. 

Information and Communication Technology Europe Export Strategy
Market Intelligence
Japan Education Reform Updates

Facing an aging population and reduced workforce, the Japanese government has introduced a number of measures to modernize its education system. 

Educational Technology Japan
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Market

International Space Pitch Day is a joint U.S. - UK initiative to find, fund and fast-track innovation and technology that gives advantage to military operations in the space domain. 

Defense Equipment United Kingdom Weights and Measures
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom SaaS Market

SaaS is big business in the UK and the market for software delivered as a service is expanding rapidly, both in B2B and B2C markets. 

Software United Kingdom Business Management
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom protection against IEDs

The UK is looking for novel technologies and techniques that can rapidly be developed to deliver life-saving protection against Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). 

Defense Equipment Europe Government Procurement