Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
India Cybersecurity Market

The cybersecurity market in India offers many opportunities for U.S. companies, given India’s fast-growing digital economy and the crucial role played by IT services and the financial sector. 

Cybersecurity India Export Potential
Market Intelligence
India Power Plant Emissions

India’s new emission norms present numerous export opportunities for American air pollution control technology firms.  

Air Pollution Monitoring and Control India Environmental Management
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Infrastructure Project

The World Bank’s Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project will improve trade infrastructure across the Nacala Corridor in Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia.

Building Products Mozambique Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
Japan's Pleasure Boat Market

Japanese marine brands are well established in Japan, yet US pleasure boats’ stylish designs, luxurious interiors and high performance can appeal to Japanese consumers. 

Boating Japan Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Portugal Blue Technology

The ocean facing geography of Portugal supports this country as a leading market for Blue Technology.  

Marine Technology Portugal Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Japan Automotive OEM and Parts

U.S. suppliers of advanced technologies in electric and hybrid vehicles are presented with opportunities in the the Japanese market. 

OEM Auto Parts Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Japan Medical Devices Regulatory Environment

Japan’s Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Law (PMD Law) improves the regulatory environment for medical devices. 

Biopharmaceuticals Japan Export Strategy
Market Intelligence
Japan Growth in eCommerce 

Japan’s Business to Consumer (B2C) eCommerce has been steadily growing. 

Apparel Japan eCommerce
Market Intelligence
Japan eCommerce

How to compete with eCommerce in Japan

eCommerce Industry Japan eCommerce
Market Intelligence
Brazil Oil and Gas

Brazil’s Petrobras has confirmed a continued focus on exploration and production activities, and also its divestment plans. Petrobras does not foresee renewables in its portfolio, yet its R&D Center will continue to research offshore wind power. 

Oil and Gas Brazil Trade Development
Market Intelligence
West Bank-Power Generation Opportunities

Plans to establish power generation plants in the West Bank offer opportunities for U.S. companies in the areas power generation, transmission, and distribution.

Electricity Infrastructure West Bank and Gaza Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Serbia Infrastructure Investment

The Serbian Government announced an allocation of $13.5 billion for major development projects in a National Investment Plan to be completed by 2025.  Most of the funds will go to road, rail, air, and water upgrades, all opportunities for U.S. firms. 

Design and Construction Serbia Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
Spain Smart Port Barcelona

Spain’s port in Barcelona has new rail access financed by the European Commission.

Information and Communication Technology Spain Environmental Management
Market Intelligence
Poland Visa Waver Impacts

The number of Polish temporary business and tourism travelers admitted to the United States increased since Poland’s designation in the visa waiver program. 

Travel and Tourism Europe Air Transport
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Behavioral Analytics Competition

The UK MOD is seeking proposals that can help UK defense and security to develop capability in ‘Behavioral Analytics’. $2.5M is currently available to fund to fund proposals to further increase the maturity of innovations in ‘Behavioral Analytics’. 

Aerospace and Defense United Kingdom Information Technology