Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Japan Consumer Goods Top Trends

This is an analysis of the top trends that are expected to continue into 2023 based on the 30 best-selling products in 2022 report by Nikkei Trendy.

Consumer Goods Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Poland’s Space Market

The Polish space sector has been developing rapidly since Poland’s accession to the European Space Agency in 2012.

Space Poland Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
China Automotive Motorcycles

Heavyweight motorcycles (250CC and above) are becoming more popular, which may drive more U.S. exports.  

Automotive China Transport and Logistics
Market Intelligence
Singapore Cybersecurity Market

Singapore’s government invests in numerous initiatives to enhance the country’s cyber defenses. 

Cybersecurity Singapore
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Innovators for Next Generation Satellite Communications Network

The Ministry of Defence seeks Industry innovation to define its next generation of military communications satellites.

Satellites United Kingdom
Market Intelligence

U.S. businesses can tap into China’s flourishing pet care market through the U.S. Commercial Service.

Industries China
Market Intelligence
Israel Cosmetic and Personal Care Products Import Reform

The Israeli Government has launched a reform intended to ease and simplify importation of cosmetic and personal care products into Israel.

Cosmetics and Toiletries Israel
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Irrigation Systems

Mozambique aims to mobilize over $4.2 5 billion in conjunction with international donors to strengthen agriculture productivity.

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Mozambique Climate
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Poultry Processing

In 2022, the Government of Mozambique passed legislation which inhibits the clandestine slaughter of chickens for sale. 

Livestock Mozambique Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Digital Governance

The World Bank approved a $150 million Digital Governance and Economy Project (EDGE) aimed towards developing Mozambique’s digital public services.

Telecommunications Equipment Mozambique Public Administration
Market Intelligence
Ghana Avoiding Scams in International Trade and Business

Advance-fee scams entrap hundreds of U.S. companies annually.  

Ghana Finance
Market Intelligence
Nigeria Infrastructure Ondo State Multipurpose Deep Seaport Project

Government of Nigeria Approves Development of the Ondo State Multipurpose Deep Seaport Project

Design and Construction Nigeria
Market Intelligence

Wuhan, a city of over 10 million people, offers a $3.5 billion senior care market with a focus on innovative products related to in-home senior care.

Healthcare China
Market Intelligence
Opportunities for U.S. Medical Device Companies in Costa Rica

The medical device sector is a great opportunity for U.S. companies looking to grow their exports in the region.

Surgical and Medical Instruments Western Hemisphere Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
The Future of Costa Rica’s Franchise Industry
Costa Rica represents to U.S. franchise companies one of the fastest growing markets in the region.
Franchising Western Hemisphere Trade Practices