Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Ghana Environmental Technology Climate Change Commitments

Ghana announces commitments and initiatives on Climate Change at COP27.

Environmental Technology Sub-Saharan Africa Climate
Market Intelligence
Ghana Design and Construction Housing Solutions Needed

Creative financing and construction solutions needed for Ghana’s affordable housing surge. 

Building Products Africa Economic Development
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia launches Private Sector Feedback Platform

Saudi Arabia’s National Competitiveness Center (NCC) has launched a private sector feedback platform to facilitate and collect private sector feedback.

Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Algeria Automotive New Vehicle Import Regulations Partially Eased

Algeria re-opens the door for new, Complete Built Unit vehicle imports.

Automotive Algeria
Market Intelligence
Poland Onshore wind energy 10H distance rule liberalized

The Polish government is liberalizing the so-called 10h rule, which was introduced by the 2016 Distance Law.

Wind Energy Poland Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Energy Carbon Capture and Storage

There is opportunity in Malaysia’s offshore oil & gas sector for carbon capture and storage (CCS).

Energy Storage Malaysia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Digital Economy

The digital economy contributes 22.6% to Malaysia’s GDP and is expected to rise to 25.5% by 2025.

Cybersecurity Malaysia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Defense and Security

Opportunities are growing for U.S. firms providing defense, safety, and security solutions to the enforcement agencies in Malaysia.

Safety Training Malaysia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Poland Education country plans to buy over 360,000 laptops for school children

Poland’s Ministry of Digitization announced the largest public tender for laptops for school children.

Distance Learning Poland Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks AI Innovations to Solve Challenges

The UK MOD is seeking innovative proposals from industry that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help solve defense challenges and enhance military capability.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom ICT Advanced Research and Invention Agency Launched

The UK Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA), a new independent research body to fund high-risk, high-reward scientific research, has formally launched.

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom ICT Market and Regulations Overview

The UK is the largest ICT market in Europe, offering significant opportunities for U.S. tech providers. 

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Artificial Intelligence Market 2023

The UK is committed to creating an economy that harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) and big data providing great opportunities to U.S. tech companies.

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom Laws and Regulations
Market Intelligence
Japan Marine Technology

Japan’s transformation from manned ships to Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) creates business opportunities for U.S. marine tech companies.

Marine Technology Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Croatia Healthcare Private Sector Opportunities

The private healthcare sector in Croatia is growing steadily, creating opportunities for U.S. companies. 

Healthcare Croatia