Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Mozambique Foodservice Sector Growth

Mozambique foodservice sector is on the rise because of the country’s tourism boost and mega projects in energy and mining.

Equipment and Machinery Mozambique Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Critical Minerals

Indonesia’s critical minerals market offers many opportunities to U.S. companies.

Industrial Materials Indonesia
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Space Technology

BRIN is planning to develop and launch a satellite constellation, creating multiple opportunities for U.S. companies in the space sector.

Satellites Indonesia
Market Intelligence
Thailand Airports

Thailand’s primary airport operator announces major expansion of Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) airport development project. 

Airport and Ground Support Equipment Thailand Export Promotion
Market Intelligence
Brazil Oil and Gas Shipbuilding Investment

Brazil launches US$ 2.6 Billion investment in gas and oil shipbuilding.

Oil and Gas Field Machinery Brazil
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Personal Data Protection Law

Saudi Arabia Publishes Suggested Amendments to Personal Data Protection Law; Opportunity for U.S. Entities to Review and Comment. 

Information and Communication Technology Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Sports Entertainment Opportunities

Growing demand for high quality vocational training opportunities in Saudi Tourism, Entertainment and Sports Sectors

Travel and Tourism Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Education

Education agents in Indonesia offer many opportunities for U.S. universities.

Student Recruitment Agencies Indonesia
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Government Procurement

U.S. companies can register their company on Guatecompras and participate in government tenders.

Public Sector Guatemala
Market Intelligence
ASEAN Energy Transition Road Map

Singapore is the first in the ASEAN region to consider climate change and energy transition a national priority, allocating resources to address it.

Energy Singapore
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Energy Green Transport

On July 22, 2022, the Vietnam Government issued Decision 876/QD-TTg approving the Action Program for Transition to green energy transport until 2050. 

Design and Construction Services Southeast Asia
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Medical Device Registration

In Vietnam’s high growth medical device sector, in-country U.S. companies benefit from a new government decree extending current import licenses through 2024.

Medical Devices Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Cybersecurity Requirements and Capabilities

Exciting new developments in Vietnam cybersecurity sector have created more opportunities for U.S companies to export their products and services. 

Cybersecurity Southeast Asia
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Vietnam EV infrastructure is growing rapidly to meet increased demand for EV consumption, giving U.S. companies great potentiality in the market. 

Renewable Energy Equipment Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Internet Services

U.S. cross-border information providers are subject to additional obligations under a Draft Decree on Internet services.

Information and Communication Technology Vietnam Government, Law and Regulation