Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia High Tech Investment $200 million Fund Launched

Fund Announced as Part of New Strategy for the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST).

Saudi Arabia Investment and Service Barriers
Market Intelligence

China’s general aviation development plan offers opportunities for U.S. suppliers.

Aviation China
Market Intelligence

China’s green finance market has already reached $2.3 trillion. 

Financial Services China
Market Intelligence

China’s new Chongqing Airport plan offers opportunities for U.S. suppliers.

Airport and Ground Support Equipment China
Market Intelligence
China Auto Industry National VI B Emission Standard

The Chinese government continues efforts to make vehicles cleaner. 

Automotive China
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Healthcare Law

A new Indonesian Health Law comes into force and holds monumental implications for developing and transforming Indonesia’s healthcare system.

Healthcare Indonesia
Market Intelligence
Burma Solar Energy

Learn more about the utilization of solar energy in Burma (Myanmar) which is steadily increasing. 

Solar Energy Burma
Market Intelligence
Burma Study Abroad

Burma’s outbound mobility rate for students is increasing steadily. 

Education Burma
Market Intelligence
Burma Healthcare

Burma’s healthcare industry remains resilient amid downturns.

Healthcare Burma
Market Intelligence
Japan Recreational Boating and Personal Watercraft Market

Japan’s vibrant pleasure boat market creates business opportunities for luxurious and stylish U.S. pleasure boats.  

Marine Technology Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Burma Private Education Law

The Ministry of Education for Burma (Myanmar) replaced the Private School Registration Law 2011 with the Private Education Law 2023

Education Burma
Market Intelligence
South Korea Semiconductors

A world leader in memory chips, Korea is seeking to expand their leadership beyond memory chips to include microprocessors and sensors.

Information and Communication Technology South Korea Imports
Market Intelligence
South Korea Energy

South Korean officials search for ways to move to more secure and environmentally friendly energy sources.

Energy South Korea Exports
Market Intelligence
South Korea Cybersecurity

As awareness of cyber vulnerabilities became apparent, South Korea’s demand for cybersecurity products and services continues to grow.

Cybersecurity South Korea Export Marketing
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Chemicals REACH

The UK Government extends the current REACH UK (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals) compliance deadlines.

Chemicals United Kingdom