Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Brazil Pet Sector

Learn about the Brazilian pet sector, which is expected to grow 87% in the next five years.

Pet Foods and Supplies Brazil
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Innovative solutions to Mitigate effects of Offshore Windfarms

The UK MOD is seeking to identify innovations that can provide offshore windfarm mitigation for UK Air Defence surveillance, including alternative technologies.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Adventure Tourism Market Overview

Adventure tourism – a growth area that presents opportunities for the travel industry. 

Travel and Tourism United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom FinTech Market Opportunities

UK investment in 2021 reached $11.6 billion, which is undoubtedly a driving force behind the strong UK fintech ecosystem. 

Financial Services United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Egypt’s Foreign Currency Crisis

The Arab Republic of Egypt (Egypt) is experiencing an economic crisis that has resulted in fewer U.S. dollars. 

Financial Services Egypt Economic Conditions
Market Intelligence
Ethiopia Fintech Sector

Ethiopia liberalizes the Fintech Sector to attract foreign digital financial service providers.

Financial Services Ethiopia Finance
Market Intelligence
Ethiopia Ag Sector Opportunities

Learn more about how the Russia-Ukraine War Disruption Increases Ethiopian Demand for Fertilizer, Soil Supplements, and Certain Crops.

Agricultural Commodities Ethiopia Trade Barriers
Market Intelligence
Costa Rica Airports

The Government of Costa Rica is aiming to increase its investment in its two main international airports by 2024

Costa Rica Air Transport
Market Intelligence
Costa Rican Public Infrastructure Project

Administration Chaves Robles and Central America Bank of Economic Integration announced the “Ciudad Gobierno” project, a major public infrastructure project.

Building Products Western Hemisphere Smart Cities
Market Intelligence
India Environmental Sludge Management

India’s efforts to scale up urban sanitation systems offer great opportunities for U.S. technology providers.

Municipal Wastewater South Asia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
South Korea Organic Beauty Market

Korean consumers now place more value on factors such as health, safety and authenticity, increasing business opportunities for U.S. organic cosmetics brands.

Cosmetics and Toiletries South Korea Economic Development
Market Intelligence
South Korea Performing Arts Market

There is a growing opportunity to provide services to provide entertainment services to South Korean audiences, domestic and foreign.

Performing Arts South Korea Economic Development
Market Intelligence
South Korea Additive Manufacturing

Market opportunities and demand in additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in Korea is growing.

Design and Construction South Korea Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
South Korea Education Technology

The Korean government is enacting new standards and acts to boost the public and private Education Technology (EdTech) industry in Korea.

Education South Korea Economic Development
Market Intelligence
South Korea eCommerce

Among the total $4.8 billion in cross-border e-commerce sales in South Korea in 2022, 38 percent of goods were sourced from the United States.

Consumer Goods South Korea Economic Development