Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Spain Defense Growth Opportunities

An increase in Spain’s defense budgets launches new prospects.

Defense Equipment Spain Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Spain Agribusiness Wine Market Opportunities

The European Union launched initiative to promote precision viticulture.

Agribusiness Spain Commercial Law
Market Intelligence
Japan Autonomous Driving

U.S. auto tech companies may find market entry opportunities in the development of autonomous driving in Japan.

Automotive Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
South Korea Space Industry

South Korea set a record budget for its space programs to grow the space industry and build a solid foundation for a space economy. 

Space South Korea Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Croatia Smart City Opportunities

Smart Cities concept is growing steadily in Croatia, supported by European Union funds.

Information and Communication Technology Croatia
Market Intelligence
Colombia Offshore Wind Development Projects

The development of the Offshore Wind projects entails numerous opportunities for U.S. companies as the supply chain for this sector is under construction. 

Renewable Energy Colombia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Indonesia New Tariffs For Imported Goods

Indonesia extends its most-favored-nation (MFN) tariff coverage, with new tariffs imposed on cosmetics, bicycles, wristwatches, and iron/steel imports.

Indonesia Tariff-Rate Quotas
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Medical Devices

Indonesia’s in-country post-market testing for medical devices is a new requirement about which U.S. healthcare companies should be aware.

Medical Devices Indonesia
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Extends CE Mark Recognition

On August 1, 2023, the UK Department for Business and Trade announced an indefinite extension to the use of CE marking for businesses.

Design and Construction United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Design and Construction High Speed Track (HS2) Tender Update

On Oct 4, 2023, UK Prime Minister Sunak announced the cancellation of the Birmingham to Manchester segment of the HS2 project but opportunities still exist.

Design and Construction Services United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Panama Travel and Tourism Market

Tourism from Panama to the United States has been a significant and growing sector in recent years.

Travel and Tourism Panama
Market Intelligence
Mexico Carta Porte Supplement Update

SAT/Mexican IRS announced on September 25, 2023 the new version 3.0 of the Carta Porte Supplement. This update officially takes effect on November 25, 2023. 

Mexico Customs and Boarder Measures
Market Intelligence
Singapore Budget 2023

The 2023 Singapore Budget focuses on strengthening the country’s social compact, addressing weather challenges and seizing opportunities for the future.

Business and Professional Services Singapore
Market Intelligence
Italy Design and Construction Smart City Market

Italy to spend over $18 billion on smart cities and intelligent transportation by 2026.

Design and Construction Italy
Market Intelligence
Turkey Green Energy and Clean Technologies

Turkey is the second best country in Europe for solar power generation based on solar intensity and availability, yielding opportunity for development.
