Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
New Zealand Advanced Manufacturing Sector

As advanced manufacturing increases in New Zealand, opportunities exist for U.S. companies. 

Aerospace and Defense New Zealand Trade Development
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates and Hydrogen

The UAE is planning to develop a hydrogen industry ecosphere, and this may create new opportunities for U.S. companies. 

Chemicals United Arab Emirates Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Poland Smart Metering

The development of smart grid technologies in Poland presents opportunities for U.S. providers of intelligent solutions for electricity distribution grids.

Grid Transmission Distribution Poland
Market Intelligence
Taiwan Battery Storage Market

Taiwan Battery-based Storage Affords Strong Prospects for U.S. Vendors

Energy Taiwan
Market Intelligence
Singapore Issues 5G Licenses

Singapore 5G licenses provide funding to accelerate the adoption and commercialization of 5G solutions. 

Information and Communication Technology Singapore Digital Economy
Market Intelligence
Singapore Water Market Overview

Singapore’s water market offers opportunities for U.S. firms to export smart water technologies and recycling equipment to the country.  

Environmental Technology Singapore
Market Intelligence
Poland PGE's LTE450 Network

The Polish Energy Group (PGE) has recently adopted a new strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.   

Electricity Infrastructure Poland
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Defense Sector

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) ranks among the top 15 defense spenders in the world according to Business Monitor International (BMI). 

Aerospace and Defense United Arab Emirates Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Brazil Smart Cities Opportunities in Salvador, Bahia

The Connected Smart Cities event in São Paulo, Brazil in September 2021 will feature opportunities for U.S. companies in Salvador, Bahia Brazil. 

Retail Trade Brazil
Market Intelligence
Hungary Automotive Industry and Smart Mobility

U.S. companies interested in the Hungarian automotive market are encouraged to use distribution, franchising or agency arrangements for successful market entry.

Autotech Hungary
Market Intelligence
Ukraine Renewable Energy Market

Renewable energy generation is a key priority for the Ukrainian energy sector.

Renewable Energy Ukraine
Market Intelligence
Algeria Hydrocarbon Laws

Algeria’s new hydrocarbon law may alter Algeria’s foreign investment environment in the oil and gas sector for international oil companies. 

Oil and Gas North Africa Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Algeria's New Payment Transfer Regulations

Algeria’s 2021 Finance Law introduced new, unprecedented payment transfer delays for finished products destined for import into Algeria.

Algeria Laws and Regulations
Market Intelligence
UAE Companies Law

United Arab Emirates – Federal Companies Law is Amended to Allow 100% Foreign Ownership. 

Agribusiness United Arab Emirates Market Access
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Travel and Tourism Industry

U.S. Flight Carriers increase operations in Guatemala after the pandemic.

Passenger Transportation Services Guatemala