Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Brazil Space Sector

Brazil’s satellite development sector is growing and is ready for potential partnerships with U.S. firms.

Space Brazil
Market Intelligence
China Changes in CCC

The Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (CNCA) announced updates to the China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) Program.

Industries China Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Uruguay Electric Vehicles

Uruguay would like to increase the number of market participants in the EV sector, which represents an opportunity for U.S. electric vehicle producers.

Automotive Uruguay Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Singapore's Beauty and Personal Care Market

“Indie Brands” of personal care products, a strong domain of U.S. firms, thrive in Singapore as consumers seek to express their individuality and authenticity.

Cosmetics and Toiletries Singapore
Market Intelligence
Singapore Healthcare

U.S. companies who are interested in exporting to Singapore may consider appointing a local distributor to represent their company’s product and services.

Healthcare Singapore
Market Intelligence
Australia ECommerce

Australia’s eCommerce market is growing rapidly. 

Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Business to Business
Market Intelligence
Czech Republic eCommerce

The sudden closure of retail shops in 2020 inspired the Czech Republic to make significant strides in eCommerce development. 

eCommerce Industry Czech Republic
Market Intelligence
India Housing for All

The Government of India has allocated $83.2 billion for infrastructure creating new export opportunities in real estate development.

Construction Technology India Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Croatia Renewable Energy

Energy independence and a transition to renewable energy sources is a priority for the Croatian government.   

Electricity Infrastructure Croatia Environmental Legislation
Market Intelligence
India Airports and Ports Development

The Government of India has allocated $83.2b for infrastructure creating new export opportunities in airports and ports development.

Airport and Ground Support Equipment India Export Potential
Market Intelligence
India Railway Development

The Government of India has allocated $83.2 billion for infrastructure creating new export opportunities in railways sector.

State Owned Enterprises India Export Potential
Market Intelligence
El Salvador Cosmetic and Hygiene Products

U.S. companies should be aware of a new guide for the registration of cosmetic and hygiene products in El Salvador.

Cosmetics and Toiletries El Salvador
Market Intelligence
Panama Electricmobility

Panama is aiming to make a difference on electric mobility, by introducing a project to raise and regulate the minimum number of electric vehicles.

Automotive Panama
Market Intelligence
Canada Automotive Investments In Clean Technology

Clean technology automotive investments in Canada towards building zero emission vehicles are business opportunities for U.S. companies.

Automotive Canada
Market Intelligence
Mexico National Quality Infrastructure Program

The National Quality Infrastructure Program is the official document used to plan, inform, & coordinate standardization activities, public and private.

Wholesale Trade Mexico Conformity Assessment