Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
India Roads and Highways

India’s 2021-2022 budget allocated billions for infrastructure and billions to state & autonomous bodies for capital expenditures. 

Design and Construction India Exports
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Scholarship Program for Graduate Students

A Guatemalan non-profit foundation supports graduate education in U.S. higher education institutions for students with academic excellence.

Higher Education Guatemala
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Artificial Intelligence Market

The UK is committed to creating an economy that harnesses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data providing great opportunities to U.S. tech companies. 

Digital Analytics United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Poland Offshore Wind Terminal

U.S. companies are encouraged to explore Poland’s offshore wind farm projects, that are significant to the countries energy transition to a low-carbon economy.

Renewable Energy Poland Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
Indian Ferrous Scrap Market Overview

India is an excellent market for U.S. exporters of ferrous scrap metal.

Scrap Iron and Steel South Asia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Panama: An LNG Hub for the Region

Panama is known for its strategic geographical location and for being the first Central American country with an Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) terminal.  

Energy Panama
Market Intelligence
Brazil Smart Cities in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul

There are smart cities opportunities in Campo Grande and Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil.

Information and Communication Technology Brazil
Market Intelligence
Uruguay Energy and Transportation

The Uruguayan government launched a pilot program for hydrogen powered vehicles and is interested in companies that can provide and integrate this technology.

Autotech Uruguay Exports
Market Intelligence
Italy's Port Infrastructure

Don’t Miss the Boat: U.S. suppliers could capitalize on Italian stimulus spending on port infrastructure.

Design and Construction Italy
Market Intelligence
Singapore Licensing of Telemedicine

Singapore will license Telemedicine in mid-2022 under the new Health Services Act.

Healthcare Services Singapore
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Water Treatment Regulation

Imported technology is needed to implement water treatment plants in Guatemala’s 340 municipalities by May 2024.

Water Treatment Services Guatemala
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Water Treatment Infrastructure

Plans to improve water treatment in Guatemala represent potential for U.S. companies seeking commercial opportunities in this sector.

Water Treatment Services Guatemala
Market Intelligence
Panama Law Creates Food Agency (APA)

A new regulatory body in Panama will oversee food imports and phytosanitary standards.

Healthcare Panama Public Administration
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Agribusiness Water Solutions

Agriculture is a critical economic sector, representing 28.7% of Tanzania’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and almost over 70% of the productive workforce. 

Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Cybersecurity Market

The UK cyber security market, valued at over $7 billion, is regarded as the largest cyber security market in Europe.

Cybersecurity United Kingdom