Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Philippines Energy Market

The Philippine energy market offers opportunities in LNG, power generation, transmission, distribution and off-grid islands. 

Energy Philippines
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Beauty Industry

New fees for sanitary licenses in Guatemala affect pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Cosmetics and Toiletries Guatemala
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Energy - Sasol

Mozambique Natural Gas and LPG Plant development presents opportunities for U.S. suppliers. 

Oil and Gas Mozambique
Market Intelligence
Dominican Republic Highway Construction

The Dominican Government will construct a of new highway from Santiago to Puerto Plata using international design standards. 

Design and Construction Dominican Republic Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Dominican Republic Rehabilitation Project of the Manzanillo Port

The Port of Manzanillo presents potential for the capture and treatment of traffic and functionalities by 2045.

Ports Infrastructure and Services Dominican Republic Transport and Logistics
Market Intelligence
Chile 5G Technology

Chile will invest an estimated US$ 3,000 million in the next 5 years, on 5G Technology.

Telecommunications Chile Standards, Regulatory, and Technical Requirements
Market Intelligence
China Gaming Industry

Opportunities exist for selling products and services to Chinese gaming companies.

Consumer Electronics China
Market Intelligence
Brazil Equipment & Engineering Services

Brazil regulation changes for dam construction offers opportunities for U.S. equipment and engineering services. 

Building Products Brazil Environmental Legislation
Market Intelligence
UK Defense Market – Future Satellite Communications

The UK Ministry of Defense is seeking advice to help it define its future satellite communications capabilities. 

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Singapore Funds New Infrastructure

The Singapore government will issue $68 billion in new bonds to finance long-term infrastructure projects. 

Energy Singapore Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
UK NHS Digital Technology Assessment Criteria

Information for companies that supply, or wish to supply, healthcare digital technology or apps to England’s National Health Service (NHS). 

Health Information Technology United Kingdom Market Access
Market Intelligence
Canada Non Resident Importer Program

U.S. exporters can benefit from Canada’s Non-Resident Importer (NRI) Program. 

Consumer Goods Canada Customs and Boarder Measures
Market Intelligence
Honduras 5G Emerging Market

U.S. 5G solutions providers will find a receptive market in public and private sectors of Honduras. 

Wireless Honduras
Market Intelligence
Colombia Cybersecurity Outlook

U.S. cybersecurity companies may find business opportunities in providing cutting-edge cyber solutions to Colombian companies.

Cybersecurity Colombia
Market Intelligence
Egypt Port Infrastructure

U.S. logistics management companies may look into providing management services to Egypt’s ports.

Maritime Transportation Egypt