Market Intelligence
Healthcare New Zealand Market Access

New Zealand healthcare snapshot

New Zealand’s healthcare system is comprised of public, private and voluntary sectors which coordinate to provide and fund healthcare.  Around 85% of New Zealand’s healthcare is Government-funded and delivered through a network of 20 District Health Boards (DHBs).  The quality of healthcare is high and is heavily subsidized to all New Zealand’s citizens (population five million).  Critical healthcare services reflect an aging population:   

  • Oncology
  • Obesogenic and diabetic care, including remote management and telehealth solutions
  • Cardiovascular
  • Mental health and Renal

The New Zealand Government’s May 2020 healthcare budget valued at approximately US$12.5 bill will help deliver approximately 153,000 more surgeries and procedures, radiology scans and specialist appointments to help clear the COVID-19 backlog. 

The United States is New Zealand’s largest source of healthcare products. Medical device imports account for approximately 95% of total demand.  Most medical supplies arrive by airfreight.
For more information on New Zealand’s healthcare sector, U.S. companies can contact Commercial Specialist Janet Coulthart, Wellington, New Zealand.  Email: