Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
China Agricultural Machinery Market

China’s effort to boost mechanization in agricultural sectors creates opportunities for U.S. manufacturers.

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery China
Market Intelligence
China Coffee Processing Equipment Sector

China’s booming coffee market creates opportunities for American equipment suppliers.

Equipment and Machinery China
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Women Boost the Automotive Industry

Saudi’s removal of the ban on female drivers offers an opportunity for the automotive sector to lock-in long-term brand loyalty to a strong consumer segment.

Automotive Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Mexico Updates Importation Paperwork

Mexico updates requirements for The Value Declaration, importation paperwork to successfully import goods into Mexico. 

Export Management Mexico Import Regulations
Market Intelligence
Egypt Commercial Documents Legalization

Egypt requires the authentication of all commercial documents that originate outside of the country. 

Egypt Export Regulations
Market Intelligence
Hungary Logistics Facilities

Economic recovery in Hungary is expected to add cyclical demand to the second half of 2021 in eCommerce, driving demand for logistics facilities. 

Intelligent Transportation Systems Hungary
Market Intelligence
Chile Agriculture Equipment & Technology

High energy costs and the impact of climate change are pushing Chile’s lucrative agriculture sector to adopt efficient equipment and technologies. 

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Chile
Market Intelligence
Italy Space Industry

U.S. companies with sophisticated materials and technology may find opportunities in Italy and other European markets with active space industries.

Space Italy
Market Intelligence
China Growth in Food and Beverage Franchises

U.S. quick-service restaurant (QSR) franchises, especially in the baked goods sector, may have strong growth opportunities in China’s Tier 3 and Tier 4 cities.

Franchising China
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Market Needs Enhanced Early Warning Technology

The Royal Navy is seeking new technology to enhance its early warning capability for the Royal Navy Carrier and Littoral Strike Groups. 

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Slovakia Filmed Entertainment & Streaming

The market for film entertainment, television and streaming services in Slovakia offers opportunity for U.S. producers. 

Film Industry Slovakia
Market Intelligence
Slovakia Education 2021

U.S. universities may enter the Slovak education market via a partnership with local schools through student exchange programs or through Fulbright Commission.

Higher Education Slovakia
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Prison Infrastructure

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved US$300 million to implement Guatemala’s Justice Sector Investment and Modernization Program.

Construction Services Guatemala
Market Intelligence
Poland Green Biogas

The cost of building 1,500-2,000 biogas plants in Poland will be nearly $20 billion over the next 10 years. 

Renewable Fuels Europe Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Cybersecurity

ASEAN members will invest US$171 billion collectively on Cybersecurity between 2017 and 2025.

Cybersecurity Malaysia