Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Kenya Infrastructure

Strategic infrastructure projects in Kenya will be delivered through Public Private Partnerships. 

Electricity Infrastructure Kenya
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Security Market in 2021

The UK is ranking fifth in the global security export markets behind the U.S., Japan, China and Germany with opportunities for U.S. security companies. 

Authentication and Anti-Counterfeiting Services United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Industry 2021 Additive Manufacturing

The UK manufacturing sector suffered declines in 2020 caused by factors such as Brexit and impact of the global pandemic. 

Dyes and Pigments United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
New Zealand eCommerce Snapshot

eCommerce trends in New Zealand’s Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) market present opportunities for U.S. companies. 

Consumer Goods New Zealand Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Chile Railroad Infrastructure

A $5 billion railway investment plan will modernize Chile’s railway infrastructure between 2021 and 2027.

Railroad Equipment Chile
Market Intelligence
Mexico Announces the creation of new National Customs Agency

The Government of Mexico published in its Official Gazette a decree announcing the creation of a new National Customs Agency (ANAM).

Industries Mexico Customs and Boarder Measures
Market Intelligence
Uruguay Expansion at Montevideo Port

The Government of Uruguay extended the concession of Montevideo’s port container terminal to the Belgium company Katoen Natie, until the year 2080.

Construction Equipment and Machinery South America Export Potential
Market Intelligence
JAPAN: GIGA Update (EdTech)

The Japanese government’s GIGA project to provide Japanese students with personal computers is part of Guidelines for IT Security Policy in Education.

Education Japan Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Nuclear Energy

Strong political support and plans for expansion mark the UK as a significant opportunity for U.S. civil nuclear exports. 

Civil Nuclear Power United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Singapore Food Resilience Road Map

Singapore has a goal to meet 30 percent of its populations nutritional needs by 2030.  

Agribusiness Singapore
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Cloud Services Market

The UK is the largest cloud market in Europe. The vast majority of UK enterprises realize the value of investing in ICT. 

IaaS Providers United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Colombia Infrastructure Opportunities

The U.S. Commercial Service has partnered with CAMACOL on a series of opportunities to connect U.S. companies with local construction companies. 

Design and Construction Colombia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Slovakia Defense Public Procurements

Information and procedures on defense tender and contract opportunities. 

Aerospace and Defense Slovakia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Czech Republic 5G network

Czech Republic is committed to 5G network deployment in 2020.

Telecommunications Czech Republic Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
China-Products Removed from CCC Catalogue

Chinese authorities remove 12 products from CCC Catalogue and approve 4 new products for self-declaration.

Equipment and Machinery China Market Access