World Map at Night
U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duties
Information and Resources for U.S. Trade Remedy Laws and Ongoing Proceedings.
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U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duties

Introduction to AD/CVD

Unfair foreign pricing and government subsidies distort the free flow of goods and adversely affect American business in the global marketplace. Enforcement and Compliance, within the International Trade Administration of the Department of Commerce, enforces laws and agreements to protect U.S. businesses from unfair competition within the United States, resulting from unfair pricing by foreign companies and unfair subsidies to foreign companies by their governments.

Additional AD/CVD Resources

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AD/CVD Reference Resources
Do you need additional information to assist you in participating in a proceeding?
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Do you want to review or file documents on the record of an AD or CVD proceeding?
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Recent AD/CVD Announcements
Do you want to see the most recent AD/CVD case announcements?
Shipping Containers from Birds Eye in the Day
Products Subject to AD/CVD Duties
Do you want to know what products are currently subject to AD and CVD duties?
Pciture of 100 dollar bills
AD/CVD Duty Payments
Do you have questions regarding an AD/CVD duty bill or money owed? U.S. Customs and Border Protection can help.
Snapshot of Visualization Dashboard of ADCVD Proceedings
Current AD/CVD Proceedings
Find information on current AD/CVD Investigations, Orders and Suspension Agreements.

Other Information

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File a Petition

Are you a U.S. producer competing against unfair foreign imports?  Our AD CVD petition counseling team can help you understand your options under the U.S. trade remedy laws and provide guidance on how to file an AD and/or CVD petition for investigation.

Illustration of a handshake
Suspension Agreements

Suspension agreements allow Commerce and interested parties to suspend AD or CVD investigations in favor of an agreement (undertaking) that provides for elimination of the unfair pricing or subsidies, or of the injury caused by the imports under investigation.  There are currently eight AD CVD suspension agreement in effect.

Illustration of a foldable world map
CBP Resources

Commerce works closely with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on AD/CVD proceedings. They are responsible for enforcing AD/CVD laws on imported goods. CBP also collects AD/CVD cash deposits, administers AD/CVD entries/ assesses and collects final AD/CVD, and enforced AD/CVD on imports that evade AD/CVD orders. 

Illustration of multiple documents
Administrative Protective Order

The Department of Commerce issues Administrative Protective Orders to protect business proprietary information (BPI) submitted to its proceedings.  Whether you are a firm submitting BPI to the Department, or a representative of a party to the proceeding requesting BPI, these resources can help guide you through the process