Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
UAE New Data Privacy Law

The UAE Government is currently developing its new Federal Data Protection Law.  This is a unique opportunity for the country to build a framework for data privacy law that fosters an innovative business environment.  A unique opportunity exists for U.S. businesses to provide  best practices to the UAE regulators.

Information and Communication Technology United Arab Emirates Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
UAE 3D Printing Opportunities in Construction

The UAE holds opportunity for competitive U.S. construction products, services and technology companies, particularly, in the area of 3D printing. 

3D Printing United Arab Emirates Trade Development
Market Intelligence
UAE Health IT Opportunity

U.S. healthcare companies should consider attending the region’s largest annual healthcare trade show, Arab Health, which is currently scheduled for February 1 – 4, 2021 in Dubai.

Healthcare United Arab Emirates Trade Development
Market Intelligence
UAE Defense Sector Opportunities

UAE defense sector spending increased by 38 percent in 2019 and is expected to remain strong in 2020, offering opportunities for U.S. companies, provided offset obligations are met.  A company incurs offset obligations if the value of the supply contract is equal to or more than $10 million, and if the value is less than $10 million, but the company already has active offset obligations.  


Aerospace and Defense United Arab Emirates Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Japan Food Service Franchising

Prolonged economic stagnation and fierce domestic competition challenge the entry of global brands into Japan’s food service franchise market. This market update and glimpse of lifestyle trends offers insight to franchisers considering entering Japan.

Food and Beverage Japan Consumer Behavior
Market Intelligence
Australia Plastics Industry

Total demand in Australia for plastics and articles of plastics under HS Chapter 39 is estimated at US$6.2 billion. Imports satisfy 70 percent of the Australian market. The most common method of market entry is to appoint a local Australian stocking distributor.

Plastics Production Machinery Australia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Nigeria Agriculture Equipment

Nigeria has opened a big window of opportunity for U.S.suppliers of agricultural machinery and equipment. 

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Sub-Saharan Africa
Market Intelligence
Kenya Franchising

Nairobi, Kenya is the international hub for East and Central Africa. Increased purchasing power and a desire for U.S. name brands, offers U.S. franchise companies opportunities in Kenya.

Franchising Sub-Saharan Africa Export Potential