Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Environmental Technologies 2023 Year of Sustainability

There are tremendous opportunities in the UAE for U.S. innovations and solutions in the area of sustainability.

Environmental Technology United Arab Emirates
Market Intelligence
China Mining Safety Equipment

China’s coal and mining industries remains strong and increased policy support for mining safety presents an opportunity for high-quality manufacturers.  

Mining Equipment and Machinery China
Market Intelligence
Japan Electric Vehicle Market

U.S. products and solutions are welcomed in Japanese growing electric vehicle market.

Automotive Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Japan Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics

U.S. Advanced Manufacturing companies can find market opportunities in Japan.

Equipment and Machinery Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Kenya Energy Liquified Petroleum Gas

Kenya’s increasing demand for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) as a cooking fuel creates opportunities for U.S. companies.

Oil and Gas Kenya Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Kenya Healthcare Hospitals

Kenya Hospital Association expansion and digital transformation creates opportunities for U.S. companies.

Healthcare Kenya Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Taiwan Electric Vehicles

The Taiwan electric vehicle market more than doubled in 2022, and that growth is expected to continue due to Taiwan’s target of carbon neutrality by 2050.

Autotech Taiwan Business Management
Market Intelligence
Japan Defense Industry

Due to security concerns in Asia, there are market opportunities for U.S. defense manufactures interested in Japan’s already favorable market.

Aerospace and Defense Japan Transport and Logistics
Market Intelligence
Panama Media & Entertainment Opportunities

There are a range of opportunities in the country due to its growing economy, diverse population, and strategic location as a hub for international business.

Television Broadcasting Panama
Market Intelligence
Argentina Import Restrictions

The Government of Argentina has established an import regime that slows the flow of imports entering the country and affects payment timelines.

Industries Argentina Customs Barriers
Market Intelligence
Argentina Travel and Tourism Services

Traveling is part of the Argentine lifestyle, and the United States is a popular travel destination for both business and pleasure. 

Travel and Tourism Argentina
Market Intelligence
Argentina Transportation Infrastructure

U.S. companies should start preparing for an uptick in infrastructure-related projects in Argentina in 2024. 

Market Intelligence
Argentina Agriculture Water Technology

The Argentine market presents opportunities for U.S. exporters of irrigation systems and water conservation technology solutions.

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Argentina
Market Intelligence
Ethiopia Education Sector Offers Opportunities

U.S. universities and high schools have found success in recruiting Ethiopian students.

Education Ethiopia
Market Intelligence
Panama Medical Devices Registration Process

In Panama, the registration process for medical devices is overseen by the Ministry of Health (Ministerio de Salud or MINSA).

Medical Devices Panama