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Poland Healthcare new funding to increase healthcare system efficiency, accessibility and quality

Among USD 149 billion for Poland within National Reconstruction Plan (KPO) and Cohesion Policy funds, USD 4.8 billion will be dedicated to increase efficiency, accessibility, and the quality of Polish healthcare system.

The healthcare sector has been hit particularly hard by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the government is now going to undertake new measures to improve the state of Polish healthcare system. It is expected that the structure of medical entities will be reorganized, and they will receive substantial support for modernization of their equipment. As Poland is dealing with an alarming shortage of medical professionals, a lot of efforts will be put to increase the number of medical staff.

In monetary terms, over USD 3.3 billion will be dedicated to increasing the efficiency, availability and quality of healthcare services. These funds will be directed mainly to highly socialized medical care centers, and medical entities with subregional impact, including county hospitals. Moreover, USD 762 million will be spent on creating appropriate conditions for increasing the number of medical staff, and USD 327 million on creating favorable conditions for the development of pharmaceutical and medical devices sectors.

The government estimates that 300 hospitals will receive new equipment, and 280 hospitals will modernize their infrastructure. Also, 212 teaching facilities in the field of medical sciences will receive support for renovation and modernization of their premises. Other projects include financial support for 80 research projects in the biomedical field.

These funds can play a crucial role in boosting public procurement in public hospitals in the country in upcoming years. More details about other investments should be known soon.

U.S. companies in the healthcare industry are widely regarded for their innovation, quality products, and after the sale training and service, making them very competitive in the Polish healthcare market. Subsector opportunities include telemedicine, medical equipment, consulting, and more. 

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