Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
ICT Opportunity - Panama's eCommerce leading in Latin America

Panama leads Latin America’s eCommerce activities and continues to grow. 

eCommerce Industry Panama
Market Intelligence
Panama ICT Opportunity: New Regional IXP

The National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG) actively collaborates in the initiative to implement a single Regional Internet Traffic Exchange Point.

Information and Communication Technology Panama
Market Intelligence
Panama: The Panama Canal

The Panama Canal critical cornerstone of global maritime transportation.

Marine Technology Panama
Market Intelligence
Mozambique MCC Approves Compact II for $500 million in investment

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is set to enter a Compact II for Mozambique amounting to a $500 million investment.

Design and Construction Mozambique Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Mining Industry Investment Opportunities

Ma’aden presents investment opportunities at the PIF Private Sector Forum (March 15, 2023).

Industries Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
eCommerce is Growing in Israel

eCommerce has been steadily growing in Israel over the past few years, with more and more consumers turning to online shopping as their preferred method.

eCommerce Industry Israel
Market Intelligence
Israel’s Digital Health Landscape – Development and Opportunities

The Israeli Government and healthcare system are investing in innovative digital health solutions, creating opportunities for American companies in the sector.

Healthcare Israel
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Medical Devices Regulatory Environment Update

United Kingdom: An update on plans to reform current medical device regulations. 

Medical Devices United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Colombia Water and Wastewater Opportunities

The Petro Administration recently announced significant investments in water and wastewater infrastructure.  

Water and Wastewater Colombia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Information Technology Plans to Enhance Cybersecurity Laws

Amending cybersecurity laws will open opportunities for U.S. cybersecurity companies to export their products and services to Malaysia and the ASEAN region. 

Cybersecurity Malaysia Information Technology
Market Intelligence
China Automotive Lubricant Market

Despite China being an early adopter of electric vehicles and NEVs, opportunities still exist for U.S. lubricant exports to the world’s largest auto market. 

Automotive China
Market Intelligence
UK AI Regulations 2023

The UK Government has endorsed a ‘light touch’ and ‘pro-innovation approach’ to AI regulation, which is reassuring to U.S. companies active in the UK AI market.

Information and Communication Technology United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Singapore Consumer Goods Home Beauty Tech Devices

Increased demand for innovative home beauty-tech devices.

Cosmetics and Toiletries Singapore
Market Intelligence
Japan Travel Integrated Resorts

Japan recently approved Osaka as the first Integrated Resorts (IR) location, providing export opportunities for U.S. IR operators and IR-related businesses.

Travel and Tourism Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Mexico import Ban on Child and Forced Labor Goods

The Mexican government has implemented regulations prohibiting Mexican companies from importing goods that involve forced labor, effective May 18, 2023.

Mexico Foreign Trade Regulations