Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Algeria Healthcare New Medical Device Regulation

Medical device registration is temporarily eased, creates a short window of opportunity for U.S. brands already sold in Algeria to increase their market share.

Medical Devices Algeria
Market Intelligence
Singapore Digital Economy

The rapid growth ICT sector and collaborative initiatives to reskill tech talents provide opportunities for U.S. exporters.

Information and Communication Technology Singapore
Market Intelligence
Singapore Digital Plans and Procurement

Singapore will embark on a digital revolution with a USD 2.4 billion ICT investment and an array of groundbreaking projects through bulk tenders in FY23. 

Information and Communication Technology Singapore
Market Intelligence
Singapore Infotech 6G Wifi

Singapore plans to deploy the latest Wi-Fi 6E by Q3 of 2023 and invests in future communications technologies with enhanced Wi-Fi connectivity.

Telecommunications Singapore
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Precision Medicine Initiative

There is opportunity related to Malaysia’s genome sequencing, leading to precision medicine.

Drug Development and Discovery Malaysia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates New Energy Policy

The UAE’s new energy policy objectives will shine a spotlight on U.S. companies who lead in sustainable and energy-conserving solutions.

Energy United Arab Emirates
Market Intelligence
UAE Energy Unconventional Oil and Gas Technologies

The UAE has a focused interest in U.S. companies with experience and expertise in unconventional oil and gas technologies.

Oil and Gas United Arab Emirates
Market Intelligence
Taiwan Defense Commercial Drones

The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) released a notice to unveil a pilot program to produce commercial-grade UAVs and UASs with defense applications.

Aerospace and Defense Taiwan Business Management
Market Intelligence
Taiwan Biotech

In recent years, Taiwan has made significant investments in biotech R&D, resulting in expanding opportunities for U.S. exporters in Taiwan biotech industry.

Healthcare Taiwan Business Management
Market Intelligence
China Auto Customization and Modification

Customized and modified vehicles through vehicle manufacturers and their dealer systems have become popular in China. 

Vehicle Customization Services China
Market Intelligence
Uruguay InfoTech 5G

The IT Sector in Uruguay offers many opportunities related to 5G.

Telecommunications Uruguay
Market Intelligence
Singapore Artificial Intelligence

Singapore has opportunities in investment and deployment of A.I.

Information and Communication Technology Singapore
Market Intelligence
Canada Firefighting Equipment

The intensification of wildfires in Canada provides U.S suppliers of firefighting equipment with many opportunities for growth.

Fire Safety and Rescue Equipment Canada
Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Aerospace and Defense Sustainable Aviation Fuel

U.S. companies with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) technologies can benefit from the UAE’s focus on sustainability on the Road to COP28 and beyond.

Aviation United Arab Emirates
Market Intelligence
Japan Cybersecurity

Opportunity for U.S. cybersecurity companies for Business Development in East Asia.

Information and Communication Technology Japan Trade Development