Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Vietnamese Cold Chain Food Market

The COVID-19 pandemic has boosted demand for cold chain food development, increased trade opportunities for U.S. agricultural machinery and equipment suppliers.

Agribusiness Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Thailand Medical Device

Thailand’s closer alignment with ASEAN Medical Device Directive brings about standardized medical device regulations focusing on patient safety. 

Medical Devices Thailand Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Automotive Market

Saudi Arabia expects internal combustible engines (ICE) vehicles to make up the majority of vehicles driven in the Kingdom for the next 15-20 years.

Automotive Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Information Communication Technology Sector

Saudi Arabia announced the launch of a major program that supports the country’s Information Communication and Technology (ICT) sector.

eCommerce Industry Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Embraces Public-Private Partnerships for Direct Investment

Saudi Arabia’s economy is expected to jump from the 18th to 15th largest economy in the world by 2030 with the Shareek investment program

Energy Saudi Arabia Foreign Direct Investment
Market Intelligence
Taiwan’s Telehealth Sector Offers Opportunities for U.S. Solutions

Taiwan is developing its telehealth sector to cope with its rapidly aging population.  

Healthcare Taiwan
Market Intelligence
Thailand Smart Grid

Thailand’s 20-year Smart Grid Master Plan opens opportunities for U.S. companies to provide cost-effective technologies for a greener energy future.

Renewable Energy Thailand Exports
Market Intelligence
Taiwan’s Bilingual 2030 Plan

Taiwan adopted a policy to become a bilingual English-Mandarin Chinese nation by 2030, offering opportunities for U.S. EdTech companies. 

Education Taiwan Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Singapore Mega Port Shipping Hub of ASEAN

Singapore’s Mega Port is positioned as a Global Transshipment Hub among ASEAN countries. 

Maritime Transportation Singapore
Market Intelligence
Japan Focuses on Hydrogen as A Key Renewable Energy Source

U.S. firms can benefit from Japan’s developments in hydrogen energy by exploring collaboration with local players and long-term market opportunities.

Energy Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Japan Digitalization and Cyberthreats

Japan has launched a new Digital Agency to spur further digitalization across Japanese society, but cyberthreats, particularly ransomware attacks, are growing.

Information and Communication Technology Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
El Salvador Electronic Signatures

El Salvador reforms establish the Ministry of Economy as the certification authority to control and monitor providers of electronic certification,

eCommerce Industry El Salvador
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Digital Banking

Indonesia is facing rapid growth in digital banking as new rules from the Financial Services Authority allow for near-full foreign ownership of local tenders.

Banking Indonesia Banks
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Tips for Recruiting Vietnamese Students

Education and training are top priorities for the Vietnamese government. Face these challenges to attract capable Vietnamese students to U.S. programs.

Education Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Digital Economy and Regulatory Challenges

Vietnam’s data-related legislation could negatively impact the development of its digital economy.

Information and Communication Technology Vietnam