Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Kuwait Tender Process

Kuwait’s public sector is obliged to publish prequalification exercises and planned tenders at least 90 days prior to the date of issuance.

Public Sector Kuwait Laws and Regulations
Market Intelligence
Hungary Employment Trends

U.S. companies seeking job-market related information may be interested in learning that demand for skilled workers and gross wages are on the rise in Hungary.

Employment Services Hungary Labor
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Law Enforcement Looking to Tackle eScooter and eBike Enabled Crime

UK law enforcement is looking for innovative technology that improves the ability to prevent e-scooters and e-bikes from being used for criminal purposes. 

Vehicle-Immobilizer Equipment United Kingdom Exports
Market Intelligence
Australia Healthcare

Australia is the ninth-largest export market for U.S. manufacturers of medical products.  

Healthcare Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Defense Market Developments

Australia is spending $200+ Billion on defense acquisition through 2030 which represents a major opportunities for U.S. industry. 

Aerospace and Defense Australia Export Marketing
Market Intelligence
Brazil Drones for Spraying

Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture has stood up regulations to simplify procedures and legal requirements for use of this technology.

Agribusiness Brazil
Market Intelligence
China Aircraft Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul Market

China is expected to become the world’s largest maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) market with a projected value of $23 billion by the end of 2030. 

Aviation China
Market Intelligence
China Urban Rail Transit Market

The urban rail transit market in China is experiencing significant growth. 

Rail Transportation China
Market Intelligence
China's General Aviation Market

Although China’s general aviation (GA) market is small relative to China’s size, growth prospects are robust.  

Aviation China
Market Intelligence
China's data security law

China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) finalized a new Data Security Law (DSL) which will come into effect on September 1, 2021.

Information and Communication Technology China
Market Intelligence
China Pleasure Boat Market

China’s heightened living standards has led to increasing demand for luxurious consumer goods. China’s pleasure boat industry is “set to sail.” 

Pleasure Boats China
Market Intelligence
Czech Republic Non-lead Ammunition

The EU restrictions on lead in ammunition will have a significant impact on the Czech hunting market. 

Defense Equipment Czech Republic Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Sweden eHealth Market

Overview of the Swedish eHealth market’s structure and opportunities. 

Health Information Technology Europe Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Sweden Advanced Manufacturing

Opportunities in the Swedish advanced and smart manufacturing smart, resulting in sustainable and resource-effective production.

Equipment and Machinery Europe Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Kuwait Construction

Kuwait Promotes Public-Private Partnerships with New Law

Design and Construction Services Kuwait