Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Kuwait Agriculture

New opportunities in the agriculture sector in Kuwait

Agribusiness Kuwait
Market Intelligence
Kuwait Defense


Safety and Security Kuwait
Market Intelligence
Uruguay Capurro Fishing Port Concession

This project is for the concession of a fishing port terminal in the Port of Montevideo. 

Food Processing Equipment Uruguay Sea Transport
Market Intelligence
Australia Education

Int’l education is Australia’s 4th biggest export valued at $27B in 2019 covering higher education, Vocational & Training services, schools, and non-award.

Education Australia Export Marketing
Market Intelligence
Australia Industrial Additive Manufacturing

The value of Australia’s total Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing market is estimated at USD70 million. 

3D Printing Australia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Sweden Smart Built Environment

Sweden’s built environment market, design and construction, energy-efficient buildings, and distributed energy technologies may be attractive to U.S. firms. 

Design and Construction Europe Exports
Market Intelligence
Peru Franchising Opportunities

U.S. companies may want to enter Peru’s home food delivery market.

Franchising Peru
Market Intelligence
France Professional Civil-Use Drones

The French market for professional civilian-use drones shows excellent but partially unrealized promise.

Aviation Europe Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Indonesia Medical Device Subsidiaries

Indonesia Removes 49 percent Foreign Equity Cap on Medical Device Importers.

Medical Devices Indonesia Investment and Service Barriers
Market Intelligence
Sweden Medical Equipment

Sweden’s aging population is fueling demand for healthcare services, opening opportunities for U.S. companies.

Healthcare Services Europe Export Marketing
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Renewable Energy Options

There is a gradual shift towards renewable energy in Vietnam alongside the conventional power generation industry.

Renewable Energy Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Medical Device Registration

Vietnam’s Ministry of Health is responsible for the implementation of legislative documents, strategies, policies and plans regarding medical devices.

Medical Devices Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Ireland Energy Challenges

Ireland is expected to procure emergency generation resources in early 2022 to address near-term electric power supply concerns.

Electricity Infrastructure Ireland Climate
Market Intelligence
Mexico Technical Regulations for Vehicle Safety Devices

The Government of Mexico is soliciting public comment on proposed technical regulations concerning essential safety devices for new vehicles.

Automotive Parts Mexico
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Green Port Opportunities

Vietnam is a promising market for ocean industry with a seaport system of 286 terminals and coastline length of over 3260 km.

Ports Infrastructure and Services Vietnam