Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Mozambique: Combating Cancer Initiative

The regional Sub-Saharan Africa initiative to combat cancer helps identify opportunities for U.S. companies to bring life-saving solutions to Mozambique.

Healthcare Services Mozambique Services Barriers
Market Intelligence
Costa Rica's Renewable Energy

Costa Rica’s presents opportunities for solar and distributed generation, long-term accumulative batteries and electric vehicle chargers.

Solar Energy Western Hemisphere Environmental Management
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Energy Efficiency

Vietnam has a plan for energy efficiency improvementsto to ensure national energy security.

Energy Vietnam
Market Intelligence
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Companies doing business in the European Union are obligated to comply with the GDPR. 

eCommerce Industry EU Import Regulations
Market Intelligence
Honduras Scholarship Program

The Honduras 20/20 Program supports graduate education in U.S. educational institutions for students with academic excellence.  

Higher Education Honduras
Market Intelligence
Hungary Connected Devices and AI

Hungary’s focus on digitalization is expected to boost spending on information technology, especially in manufacturing and government sectors. 

Computer-Aided Technologies Hungary Information Technology
Market Intelligence
Hungary 5G Deployment

The Hungarian market offers opportunities in technologies for digitalization, deep learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and Internet of Things (IoT). 

Telecommunications Services Hungary Information Technology
Market Intelligence
Singapore International Travel

International Travel Restarts in Singapore with Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTL).

Travel and Tourism Singapore
Market Intelligence
Uruguay Airport Infrastructure

International airports in Montevideo and Maldonado will undergo investment in lighting systems, air surveillance radars and communications systems.

Design and Construction Uruguay
Market Intelligence
Mexico Medical Devices

The Mexican medical devices sector represents an important market for U.S. exporters.  

Medical Devices Mexico Export Controls
Market Intelligence
Poland Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen is a priority in Poland in alignment with European Union energy policy. 

Renewable Energy Poland
Market Intelligence
Mexico New Invoicing Requirements and obligations (CARTA PORTE)

The Mexican government requires information in advance of all goods in transit by any means of transport throughout Mexican territory. 

Mexico Customs and Boarder Measures
Market Intelligence

China’s Hainan Province is promoting recreation vehicle tourism, waving tariffs and taxes.

Trailers China
Market Intelligence

China has committed to enhancing climate action which will present opportunities for U.S. climate-friendly products and solutions.

Energy China
Market Intelligence
Brazil maritime monitoring systems

The Brazilian Navy is in search of a new technically advanced maritime monitoring system. 

Defense Equipment Brazil