Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
India’s Surveillance and Security Market

Increasing requirements of safety, a boom in smart cities, and airport security, have led to the rise of the security and surveillance market in India.  

Public Safety South Asia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
The Philippine Digital Payments Sector

The Philippine Digital Payments Transformation Roadmap creates opportunities for U.S. digital financial technologies(fintech) and consulting services companies.

Banking Philippines Monetary Systems
Market Intelligence
The Philippine Software Market

In 2020, the software sales benefited from increased demand for devices from Filipinos performing work and studying remotely.

Software Philippines Investment
Market Intelligence
The Philippines' Education Market

The Philippines’ transition to a K-12 model opened the door for U.S. educational institutions to market degree programs to students across the Philippines.

Continuing Education Economic Development
Market Intelligence
The Philippine Defense Acquisition System

The Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program for 2023-2027 provides funding of $4 billion.

Defense Equipment Philippines Public Finance
Market Intelligence
The Philippine Telecommunications Market

Digital transformation is being led by local telecom firms and emerging broadband companies contributing to strong telecommunications industry growth.

Telecommunications Services Philippines Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Philippine Vitamins and Nutraceuticals

The Philippines is a growing market for vitamins and nutraceutical products.  

Biopharmaceuticals Philippines Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Israel Updated Standard Reform

Israel’s updated import decree aims to simplify import procedures by easing the standards requirements and implementing a self declaring system.

Israel Standards
Market Intelligence
Brazil Logistics System for Consumer Electronics

By 2025 more than 400 Brazilian cities will have electronic waste volunteer collection points, in major cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Curitiba.

Consumer Electronics Brazil Waste Management
Market Intelligence
Canada Hydrogen Production in Alberta

Canada is investing $17 billion into the construction of clean energy, hydrogen complexes that reduce carbon emissions via low-carbon fuels production.

Energy Canada
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Aerospace Sector

Tanzania’s aviation sector is experiencing a strong upswing thanks to a growing economy and government efforts to revive the sector.

Aviation Sub-Saharan Africa
Market Intelligence
Mexico's Harmonized System (HS)

U.S. exporters must be aware of the new process and changes to Mexico’s HS according to the 7th amendment, to avoid mistakes and delays.

Mexico Customs and Boarder Measures
Market Intelligence
Panama Government Procurements

Panamanian government tenders offer broad business and investment opportunities for U.S. companies.

Industries Panama Public Administration
Market Intelligence
Chile Nutritional Supplements

Chilean importers of nutritional supplements (not the U.S. company) are responsible for obtaining the authorization to import these goods.

Vitamins and Supplements Chile
Market Intelligence
Hungary Hydrogen Technology

Hungary’s hydrogen strategy aims to provide decision-makers an overview of the value chain, and identify elements where Hungary has a comparative advantage. 

Renewable Energy Hungary Government, Law and Regulation