Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Nigeria Renewable Energy

A renewable energy transition in Nigeria present opportunities for investment in renewable energy projects.

Oil and Gas Nigeria
Market Intelligence
Greece Wildfire National Strategy

The 2021 wildfires in Greece devastated over 125,000 hectares of land and followed a historic heatwave (116.8 F). 

Firefighting and Rescue Equipment Greece Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Korea Cross Border E-commerce Market

The cross border e-commerce market in Korea has increased from $2billion in 2017 to $4.5 billion in 2022, resulting in a 23 % of average annual growth rate.

Consumer Goods South Korea Transport and Logistics
Market Intelligence
South Africa Open Radio Access Networks (RAN)

Open Radio Access Networks (RAN) is a relatively new approach to building mobile networks that are needed to connect smartphones and devices to the internet. 

Telecommunications Equipment South Africa Information Technology
Market Intelligence
Ghana Fertilizer Market

While global and local economic factors are altering the fertilizer market in Ghana, there remains an urgent need for price competitive fertilizer.

Fertilizers Ghana
Market Intelligence
South Africa Fresh Water Crisis

In water-scarce South Africa, fresh water is decreasing in quality because of increased pollution and the destruction of river catchments.

Water and Wastewater South Africa Environment and Natural Resources
Market Intelligence
Philippine Medical Devices

U.S. manufacturers of innovative medical devices and equipment are encouraged to consider the Philippines market.

Medical Devices Philippines Trade Development
Market Intelligence
The Philippine Construction Technology Industry

Disaster resilience investment in the Philippines will create opportunities for U.S. exporters in construction, mobility, communication and information systems.

Construction Technology Philippines
Market Intelligence
Ghana Business Environment Update

Ghana announces austerity measures to address inflation and budget deficit concerns.

Ghana Economic Conditions
Market Intelligence
South African information technology for wide area networks

South African Information Technology sector is the growing as options for wide area networks are increasing. 

Information and Communication Technology South Africa Information Technology
Market Intelligence
Nigeria Liquified Petroleium Gas (LPG)

Government projects equating to $6 billion will be devoted to infrastructure investment over the next ten years. 

Oil and Gas Nigeria
Market Intelligence
Ghana Cosmetics and Personal Care

Strong retail sales and growing production of cosmetics within Ghana are part of a larger African cosmetics boom.  

Cosmetics and Toiletries Ghana
Market Intelligence
Ghana Shipping and Logistics

Ghana’s digital readiness is helping it become an attractive hub for the commercial logistics sector for the African continent. 

Express Delivery Services Ghana
Market Intelligence
AFCFTA - Concrete Opportunities for U.S. Companies

Explore the emerging commercial opportunities created by Africa’s regional integration.  

Distribution and Logistics Africa Trade Policy and Agreements
Market Intelligence
Nigeria Oil and Gas Restructuring

The Nigerian government passes the Petroleum Industry Act, 2021 (PIA) into Law.

Oil and Gas Nigeria Government, Law and Regulation