Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Net Neutrality Regulatory Framework

The Communications & Information Technology Commission (CITC) Published the Net Neutrality Regulations for Public Comments.

Information and Communication Technology Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Hungary Robotic Surgery

Hungary aims to make robot-assisted surgery accessible to an increased number of patients.

Surgical and Medical Instruments Hungary Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
South Africa Electric Vehicles

 South Africa needs to adapt and include the provision of electric vehicles in the local market which may create opportunities for U.S. firms and consultants.

Automotive South Africa
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Explosive Devices IEDs

The Ministry of Defence’s Defence Science and Technical Lab seeks Counter-IED technologies that use novel Radio Frequency (RF) techniques.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Croatia Renewable Energy

Croatia has excellent potential for the development of renewable energy resources.

Grid Transmission Distribution Croatia Renewable Energy Targets
Market Intelligence
Algeria Defense Market

Direct Commercial Sales opportunities exist for U.S. companies in Algerian military electronics, ground vehicles, medical supplies, drones, and avionics. 

Defense Equipment Algeria
Market Intelligence
Kazakhstan Air Cargo Opportunities

Kazakhstan is looking for partnership with U.S. logistics companies to develop air cargo in the country’s two biggest airports.

Distribution and Logistics Kazakhstan
Market Intelligence

Cape Town has a long history of responding to the climate challenge in a progressive and technically sound manner.

Environmental Technology South Africa Environmental Management
Market Intelligence
Colombia Fertilizer Market

Colombia relies on imported raw materials for fertilizer production.

Agricultural Chemicals Colombia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Turkey Automotive & Smart Mobility

Turkey is the 15th largest automotive manufacturer in the world and 5th largest in Europe. Since 2000, OEMs have invested $15 billion in operations in Turkey.

Automotive Turkey
Market Intelligence
New Market Openings for Intra-African Trade

African countries work to open five key services sectors to one another in the AfCFTA. 

Financial Services Africa Trade Policy and Agreements
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Halal Certification

More than 60 percent of the Malaysian population practices Islam as their religion. Malaysia has developed a detailed halal certification for medical devices.

Medical Devices Malaysia Laws and Regulations
Market Intelligence
El Salvador Airport and Train Development

New regulations will speed the development of a new airport and train construction highlighting opportunities for U.S. suppliers of technology and equipment. 

Industries El Salvador
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Cybersecurity

The Saudi National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) mandates registration process for cybersecurity solution providers.

Cybersecurity Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Argentina Sanitary Emergency Status

Argentina has extended its emergency healthcare measures to combat the pandemic until the end of 2022.

Healthcare Argentina