Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
United Arab Emirates Smart Manufacturing Initiative

The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development announced a smart manufacturing initiative to diversify its economy and attract foreign companies.

United Arab Emirates Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
UAE Design and Construction Project Opportunities

The UAE’s construction sector is expected to recover in growing by almost 6% as delayed and stalled projects during the pandemic resume construction. 

Design and Construction United Arab Emirates
Market Intelligence
Slovak Dental Sector 2022

Especially promising segments for U.S. suppliers are dental hygiene and dental equipment laser dentistry, implants, and cosmetic/aesthetic dentistry.

Healthcare Slovakia
Market Intelligence
Slovak Healtchare 2022

Slovak Healthcare will have $ 7.4 billion (€ 6.3 billion) at its disposal with an additional reserve of $ 846 million to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.

Healthcare Slovakia
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Education Overview

Tanzania education sector presents opportunities for U.S. investors.

Distance Learning Tanzania Technology Transfer
Market Intelligence
Turkey Safety & Security: Disaster Management

This article covers opportunities in Turkey in Safety & Security: Disaster Management sector.

Safety and Security Turkey
Market Intelligence
Kenya Pre-Verification of Conformity (PVOC) Program

Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) Announces Changes in the Inspection of Imported Goods Under the new PVoC program.

Public Sector Kenya Standards Barriers
Market Intelligence
Ethiopia Healthcare

Ethiopians live primarily in rural and subsistence agricultural areas with poor access to safe water, housing, sanitation, food and health services.

Healthcare Ethiopia
Market Intelligence
Singapore's Aging Population

As the number of seniors in Singapore is expected to double by 2030, the government is investing in facilities and programs to support the population. 

Healthcare Facilities Singapore
Market Intelligence
Greece Railway System

A $4.5 billion upgrade is underway for the Greek railway network.

Rail Transportation Greece Railway Transport
Market Intelligence
Greece Film Industry

A 40 percent cash rebate offers incentives and has created a positive environment for film production in Greece.

Film Industry Greece
Market Intelligence
Uruguay Port Authority

Plans for the construction of a 10-hectare fishing port is expected to provide logistics support to commercial fishing fleets and related port activities.

Ports Infrastructure and Services Uruguay
Market Intelligence
Poland Gdansk Port Infrastructure

GdaÅ„sk, the largest port in the Baltic Sea, is undergoing construction of a deep-water quay for container ships. 

Construction Technology Poland Investment
Market Intelligence
Poland's Defense Spending

In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Poland will increase defense spending to 3% of GDP and more than double the number of troops.

Defense Equipment Poland Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Poland Information Technology Market

Poland’s information technology market, estimated at $22.3 billion, offers sales opportunities in all market segments.

Information and Communication Technology Investment