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Mozambique Environmental Technologies Urban Water Projects

The Government of Mozambique plans to invest USD 1.8 billion to supply or improve urban water access for approximately 9 million residents by 2032. These water projects open new avenues for US exporters in Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts, in addition to supply of general construction machinery and instruments. 

The country is developing sustainable and resilient urban water projects led by the national urban water supply infrastructure fund, FIPAG (Fundo de Investimento e Património de Abastecimento de Água). FIPAG plans to invest USD 1.8 billion to supply and improve urban water access to approximately 9 million residents by 2032. It currently seeks to engage with international financiers and contractors to develop water-related projects through public-private partnerships (PPPs).  As part of this effort, FIPAG has identified nine priority projects worth over USD 800 million to be implemented in the short term; they are listed in a table at the end of this report. We have highlighted three of those projects for consideration.

Flagship Projects:

Mugica Water Supply Project

FIPAG plans to boost the water supply system in Nampula Province, located in northern Mozambique, by building a water intake at Mugica Reservoir and a treatment plant which will process 65,000m3 per day. The plant will increase water supply and mitigate climate change impacts, including flooding and droughts. Overall investment is estimated at USD 120 million. Project scope includes: 

  • Construction of water abstraction infrastructure
  • Construction of WTP
  • Construction of 120km of DN900 transmission pipeline
  • Construction of new service reservoirs and water networks in the Nampula urban area
  • Construction of eight boreholes
  • Offtakes for small towns 
  • Implementation of automation and remote management systems
  • Energy efficiency solutions

Katembe Water Supply Project

Katembe is situated opposite downtown Maputo on the southern side of the Maputo Bay which receives water from the Matola, Umbeluzi & Tembe Rivers and is an access channel for cargo and container ships to the port of Maputo. This project aims to make available clean and potable water to an additional 242,000 inhabitants by 2030, achieving 100% coverage in this area. Project investment is estimated at USD 100 million.  Project scope includes: 

  • Construction of Pump Station at the Umbeluzi WTP for Katembe;
  • Construction of 40 Km Transmission Main from Umbeluzi to Katembe;
  • Construction of 2 Distribution Centers, located on the West and East side of Katembe including additional storage;
  • Construction of 120 km of distribution network

Desalination Plant of Xai-Xai

Xai-Xai City is in Gaza Province in southern Mozambique. Given its proximity to the Indian Ocean, FIPAG aims to utilise desalinated seawater to meet the demand of 240,000 people in the region. The plant will have the capacity to desalinate 40,000m3 per day. Project value is estimated at USD 30 million.


FIPAG Project List




Project Impact

Estimated Budget


Mugica Water Supply Project

Intake, Water treatment plant, transmission main and Distribution Centers

Reduce the effects of climate change

Increase hours of supply

US$ 118M


Beira Water Supply Project

Water Treatment Plant, Distribution Centers and Network
Phase 1: Improve water supply and quality of service
Phase 2: Satisfy Water demand Beyond 2030

Ph1: US$ 106M
Ph2: US$ 25M


Katembe Water Supply Project

Construction of a pumping station at Umbeluzi  WTP, Transmission Main and Network
Supply 250,000 additional people in the Katembe Area
Improve quality of service

US$ 91M


Lichinga Water Supply Project

Water treatment plant, Distribution Centers and Network
Supply 123,000 additional people in the Lichinga
Increase hours of supply
Improve quality of service

Ph1: US$ 33M
Ph2: US$ 30M


Chibuto Water Supply Project

Intake increase production capacity
Construction of new weir at Chongoene river

Transmission main, Distribution Centers, Network and Connections

US$ 38M


Capacity Building

Capacity Building for all Regional Companies including FIPAG head office

US$ 34M


Xai-Xai Water Supply Project

Expansion of wellfield at Chongoene

Construction of distribution Centers, transmission, network and connections

US$ 46M


Inhambane Water Supply Project

Construction of a new intake in Guicuácua river

Increase of production capacity/ treatment from Malembwana wellfield and rehabilitation of  Guiua WTP

Construction of Distribution Centers, pump station, Network and connections

US$ 26M


Maxixe Water Supply Project

Expansion of Intake at Inhanombe river and WTP

Expansion of wellfield Nhamaxaxa and new wellfield at Macuemane

Construction of transmission main, distribution centers, network and connections

US$ 22M




US$ 917M



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