Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence

Liaoning Province launches pilot program for trading green power.

Renewable Energy China
Market Intelligence
Greece LNG Market

Greece has been positioning itself to become an energy hub for the region since 2016, with a series of projects to prepare for such efforts. 

Renewable Energy Greece
Market Intelligence
Angola From Clean to Cleaner

Angola is fast moving towards 70% of clean energy in its energy matrix

Water and Wastewater Angola Water Treatment
Market Intelligence
Israel Travel and Tourism Industry

The United States is the number one long-distance destination for Israeli travelers.

Travel and Tourism Israel
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Nuclear Energy

Political support and plans for expansion mark the UK as a significant opportunity for U.S. civil nuclear exports. 

Civil Nuclear Power United States
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Nuclear Decommissioning

Magnox has launched a new supply chain strategy for the decommission of its 12 nuclear facilities.

Industries United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Japan Franchise Market

Now may be a good time for U.S. franchises to enter Japan, one of the largest and most attractive markets for foreign franchises.

Franchising Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Slovakia Furniture Industry 2022

Small Slovak furniture retailers struggle to compete against international brands benefiting from new trends, technologies and excellent customer service. 

Furniture Slovakia
Market Intelligence
Canada New Funding for Mining Equipment

The Government of Canada’s funding of a new critical minerals mining strategy provides U.S companies with an opportunity to expand into the Canadian market.

Mining Equipment and Machinery Canada
Market Intelligence
Australia Rail Infrastructure Investment

Australia is experiencing record levels of investment in infrastructure.

Machinery and Tools Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Resource Recovery and Recycling

The waste and resource recovery industry manage considerable waste and recycling assets across all Australian states and territories.

Waste Management Services Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Kazakhstan Alternative Oil Route

Kazakhstan has, for years, exported more than 79% of its crude oil to global markets via the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC). 

Oil and Gas Kazakhstan
Market Intelligence
Kazakhstan and the EBRD

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development launches a new 5 Year Country Strategy for Kazakhstan. 

Industries Kazakhstan Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Cold Chain Solutions

Post-harvest losses in Tanzania range from 15 -40 % depending on the type of crop. Cold chain facilities are needed. 

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Sub-Saharan Africa Quality Assurance
Market Intelligence
West Bank Telecommunications Sector

In the West Bank telecommunications is one of the most vibrant sectors in the Palestinian economy.

Telecommunications West Bank and Gaza