Market Intelligence
Healthcare Regulatory Consultants Malaysia Public Administration

Malaysia Healthcare Non-Communicable Diseases

As a result of urbanization and globalization, the typical lifestyle in Malaysia has changed dramatically over recent years. That lifestyle change has been in parallel with the rapid rise in the number of Malaysians suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Those NCDs include cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and hypertension. NCDs are the most significant contributor to premature mortality among older adults in Malaysia. The burden of NCDs is high and will continue to increase. Based on current trends, a Malaysian will be spending an estimated 9.5 years of life expectancy in poor health due to NCDs or chronic diseases.  

According to a National Health and Morbidity Survey, one in every five adults in Malaysia was diagnosed with diabetes, three in ten people with hypertension, and four in every ten people were diagnosed with high cholesterol. In line with Malaysia’s commitment at the global level to NCD prevention and control, Malaysia has developed integrated NCD strategic plans mainly on the topic of active living, nutrition, cancer control program, tobacco control, alcohol control, salt reduction strategy, and obesity under the National Strategic Plan for NCDs 2016-2025. In addition, the healthcare provider needs to address both the supply (Provision of healthcare services) and demand (Behavior of patients/individuals) of the continuum of NCD care. 

To address that growing concern, Malaysia’s Ministry of Health is leading a consultative process to produce a Health White Paper with a vision of “All for Health, Health for All” to realize this transformation. A key focus for the Ministry is to transform patient care by expanding promotion and disease prevention as part of a renewed focus on NCD management. To support this initiative, there is a need for more advanced diagnostics and imaging medical devices for hospitals and self-monitoring devices for individuals.  

For more information on opportunities in the Malaysian healthcare sector, contact Bethany Tien at