Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Turkey Financial Services The Future of Cryptocurrency Market

The Future of Cryptocurrency Market in Türkiye

Financial Services Turkey Finance
Market Intelligence
Romania's Postal Service Undertakes Historic Digitization Project via Public Tender

Romania’s National Postal Service is on the brink of a significant digital transformation with the adoption of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. 

Information and Communication Technology Romania Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Chile 2024 to 2026 Water investment

After more than 10 years of drought, water companies have an important investment plan for climate change, desalinization plants and water reuse problem.

Water and Wastewater Chile Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
Brazil Rare Earth Mining Technology Opportunities

Brazil Needs Technology Innovation for Mining Rare Earths.

Environmental Remediation Brazil Environmental Management
Market Intelligence
Poland Information Technology the 5G frequency auction concluded on October 18, 2023

The 5G frequency auction concluded on Oct. 18, 2023. Each of the four major Polish telecom companies (Orange, Play, Plus, T-Mobile) bought one frequency block.

Telecommunications Poland Standardization
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Infrastructure MCC Opportunities to Support New Bridge Construction in Northern Mozambique

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has published requests for proposals and information regarding engineering services to develop bridge in Mozambique. 

Design and Construction Mozambique
Market Intelligence
Taiwan Travel and Tourism

As Taiwan recovers from the Covid-19 impact on the tourism industry, Taiwan travelers and the U.S. tourism exports to Taiwan has reached its peak since 2020. 

Travel and Tourism Taiwan Trade Practices
Market Intelligence
Poland Energy Storage to be Installed in Homes En masse

Every Pole who has photovoltaics on his or her roof will strive to install energy storage.

Electricity Infrastructure Poland Quality Systems
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Cooperative Missiles Technology

The UK MOD is seeking to identify and develop novel technologies for a new category of missile called Cooperative Missiles.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Taiwan eCommerce

Taiwan’s e-Commerce sales have dramatically increased during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, registering a record high of $9.8 billion in 2022. 

Consumer Goods Southeast Asia Business Management
Market Intelligence
Ghana Innovation

 Ghana makes progress in developing an innovation ecosystem, but challenges remain. 

Information and Communication Technology Africa Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Ghana Affordable Housing

 New housing program seeks to promote affordable house ownership. 

Design and Construction Services Africa Finance
Market Intelligence
Taiwan Cybersecurity

Taiwan is experiencing an unprecedented volume of cyber-attacks, prompting a surge in demand for U.S. cybersecurity solutions that comply with CMMC standards.

Cybersecurity Taiwan Market Access
Market Intelligence
Australia Cosmetics Regulations

U.S. cosmetic companies are advised to review Australian regulatory practices in order to take advantage of the US$3 billion market.

Cosmetics and Toiletries Australia Technical Regulations
Market Intelligence
Argentina Clinical Laboratory

The Argentine clinical laboratory and in-vitro (IV) diagnostic market relies largely on imports traditionally dominated by U.S. products.

Healthcare Argentina