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The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition has published a 2025 project financing plan with a total value of 651.8 million euros.
The Croatian dental market is growing steadily.
Croatia is Investing in New Gas Pipelines
Smart Cities concept is growing steadily in Croatia, supported by European Union funds.
Croatian Ministry of Health is developing a national children’s hospital in Zagreb.
The City of Zagreb in Croatia is investing €94 million to upgrade its Central Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Croatian Highways is preparing tenders for two capital highway routes in Croatia, an estimated value of 860 million euros.
Croatia and Italy are considering building an 300MW offshore wind farm in the Northern Adriatic Sea.
The private healthcare sector in Croatia is growing steadily, creating opportunities for U.S. companies.
Tenders for the $25 million EU-funded 5G rural infrastructure development project in Croatia are expected in 2023.
Pre-tender consultations with potential suppliers of geothermal drill rigs are expected. The project, valued at over $30 million, is supported by EU funds.
Croatia has excellent potential for the development of renewable energy resources.
Energy independence and a transition to renewable energy sources is a priority for the Croatian government.
The Croatian capital city Zagreb is modernizing its public transportation with an environmentally friendly fleet.
Croatia, supported by the European Union, will invest $2.6 billion in construction and development of water and wastewater systems.