Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Ghana Industrial Materials Critical Minerals Graphite

With a new high quality graphite find, Ghana solidifies its role as a potential critical minerals supplier to the electrical vehicle value chain.


Rare Earth Metals Africa Environment and Natural Resources
Market Intelligence
Chile Mining Opportunity in Latin America’s Lithium Triangle

ENAMI, a salt flat co-owner, is requesting proposals for brine extraction and characterization technologies. RFI closing date is April 20, 2024. 

Inorganic Chemicals Chile Investment
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Plastics Industry

The plastics industry is an enabler of Malaysia’s position as a regional manufacturing hub, supplying parts and components to several key sectors.

Plastic Materials and Resins Malaysia Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
Chile Plastic Packaging

The Chilean plastics industry’s goals to reduce plastic waste and promote recycling by 2025 provide opportunity for U.S. companies. 

Plastic Materials and Resins Chile Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Mexico Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Advanced manufacturing techniques and applications have exploded across a range of industry-sectors in Mexico.

Process Controls Mexico
Market Intelligence
Brazil Rare Earth Mining Technology Opportunities

Brazil Needs Technology Innovation for Mining Rare Earths.

Environmental Remediation Brazil Environmental Management
Market Intelligence
Ghana Affordable Housing

 New housing program seeks to promote affordable house ownership. 

Design and Construction Services Africa Finance
Market Intelligence
Pakistan Printing and Packaging Industry

The Pakistani printing and packaging industry offers significant opportunities for collaboration with U.S. firms.

Chemicals Pakistan Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Poland Infrastructure Rail Baltica project in Lithuania new tendering procedure

LTG Infra has launched a new tendering procedure for construction of a new double track embarkment, engineering structures and roads.

Construction Equipment and Machinery Lithuania Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
Turkey Chemicals

Pre-registration for KKDIK, Turkey’s new REACH regulation, should be completed by the end of 2020. 

Chemicals Turkey Market Access
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom - REACH

Comprehensive guidance is available on post Brexit requirements for companies exporting chemicals to the UK and EU via UK REACH. 

Chemicals United Kingdom Foreign Trade Regulations
Market Intelligence
Brazil Mining Dam Monitoring

Brazil Mining Dam Monitoring

Mining Equipment and Machinery Brazil Waste Management
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Energy Doing Business with PETRONAS

U.S. firms looking to supply goods and services to PETRONAS must understand the procurement framework.

Oil and Gas Field Machinery Malaysia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Ghana Critical Minerals Market

Ghana takes important steps to develop lithium deposits. 

Mining Equipment and Machinery Ghana Climate
Market Intelligence
Ghana Import Permits

Ghana’s Ministry of Trade seeks stakeholder input on proposed import permitting system affecting key U.S. exports.

Automotive Ghana Non-Tariff Barriers