Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Ghana Trade Agreements

Tariff reductions under Ghana’s trade agreements with European Union and United Kingdom / Northern Ireland impact the competitive environment for U.S. exports.

Equipment and Machinery Ghana Trade Agreements
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Advanced Manufacturing

Malaysia to offer grants to aid manufacturers in achieving Industry 4.0 Goals.

Robotics Malaysia Digital Economy
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Local Content Program Training Opportunities

Mozambique’s Local Content Group (LCG) seeks to promote Human Skills Development to Strengthen Local Small and Medium Enterprises and Develop Financing Lines.

Education Mozambique
Market Intelligence
Singapore Advanced Manufacturing

“Singapore Manufacturing 2030 vision” is a 10-year plan for Singapore manufacturing to grow 50% by 2030.

3D Printing Singapore
Market Intelligence
African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Guided Trade Initiative

Concrete Movement Forward on Trade in Goods Among Select AfCFTA Parties.

Equipment and Machinery Africa Free Trade Areas
Market Intelligence
Ghana Cold Chain

Equipment and training solutions for food transport and storage in Ghana. 

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Ghana Cold Storage
Market Intelligence
Canada New Funding for Mining Equipment

The Government of Canada’s funding of a new critical minerals mining strategy provides U.S companies with an opportunity to expand into the Canadian market.

Mining Equipment and Machinery Canada
Market Intelligence
Australia Rail Infrastructure Investment

Australia is experiencing record levels of investment in infrastructure.

Machinery and Tools Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Cold Chain Solutions

Post-harvest losses in Tanzania range from 15 -40 % depending on the type of crop. Cold chain facilities are needed. 

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Sub-Saharan Africa Quality Assurance
Market Intelligence
Poland Gdansk Port Infrastructure

Gdańsk, the largest port in the Baltic Sea, is undergoing construction of a deep-water quay for container ships. 

Construction Technology Poland Investment
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Budget Analysis 2022/23

Among of the main objectives Tanzania’s budget is to build the economy,and reduce poverty and unemployment, especially to the youth.

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Tanzania Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Philippine Cold Chain Sector

U.S. companies focused on cold chain technologies for food handling and processing can find export opportunities. 

Equipment and Machinery Philippines Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Guidelines for Wastepaper and Scrap Metal

Malaysia enacts new guidelines for wastepaper and scrap metal.

Waste Management Services Malaysia Import Regulations
Market Intelligence
Mexico's Update for Steel Imports Regulations

Mexican Customs updates related to the Steel Mill Certificate and the Certificate of Quality, specifying the characteristics of each one in the import process.

Iron and Steel Mexico Customs and Boarder Measures
Market Intelligence
Colombia Fertilizer Market

Colombia relies on imported raw materials for fertilizer production.

Agricultural Chemicals Colombia Trade Opportunities