Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Israel’s Digital Health Landscape – Development and Opportunities

The Israeli Government and healthcare system are investing in innovative digital health solutions, creating opportunities for American companies in the sector.

Healthcare Israel
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Medical Devices Regulatory Environment Update

United Kingdom: An update on plans to reform current medical device regulations. 

Medical Devices United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Algeria Healthcare New Medical Device Regulation

Medical device registration is temporarily eased, creates a short window of opportunity for U.S. brands already sold in Algeria to increase their market share.

Medical Devices Algeria
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Precision Medicine Initiative

There is opportunity related to Malaysia’s genome sequencing, leading to precision medicine.

Drug Development and Discovery Malaysia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Taiwan Biotech

In recent years, Taiwan has made significant investments in biotech R&D, resulting in expanding opportunities for U.S. exporters in Taiwan biotech industry.

Healthcare Taiwan Business Management
Market Intelligence
Kenya Healthcare Hospitals

Kenya Hospital Association expansion and digital transformation creates opportunities for U.S. companies.

Healthcare Kenya Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Panama Medical Devices Registration Process

In Panama, the registration process for medical devices is overseen by the Ministry of Health (Ministerio de Salud or MINSA).

Medical Devices Panama
Market Intelligence
Japan Home Medical Care

Japan’s super-ageing society will create business opportunities for American innovative medtech products used in home medical care.

Healthcare Japan Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
South Africa Healthcare Digital Technology to Improve Adherence to Chronic Medication

Finding niche applications for Digital Adherence Technology is likely to be more successful.

Healthcare South Africa
Market Intelligence
Denmark Healthcare National Action Plan for Precision Medicine

With one of the world’s most comprehensive health data registries, Denmark is betting big on precision medicine with support from the public and private sectors

Medical Devices Denmark
Market Intelligence
Philippines Pharmaceuticals

The Philippines’ new FDA regulation allows for a facilitated registration process for new drugs. 

Biopharmaceuticals Philippines Laws and Regulations
Market Intelligence
India Healthcare Testing

India’s growing demand for point of care testing (POCT) diagnostic devices presents opportunities for U.S. companies.

Healthcare Services South Asia Export Marketing
Market Intelligence
Singapore Health Initiative

Healthier SG is an ambitious all-of-government program focused on investing in the Singapore healthcare system.  

Healthcare Singapore
Market Intelligence
Croatia Healthcare Private Sector Opportunities

The private healthcare sector in Croatia is growing steadily, creating opportunities for U.S. companies. 

Healthcare Croatia
Market Intelligence
Qatar Healthcare Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services Opportunities in Qatar

International Patient Programs Qatar Trade Opportunities