Market Intelligence
Healthcare Colombia

Colombia Healthcare System Uncertainty

In April 2024, the National Superintendency of Health (Supersalud) in Colombia intervened in the country’s two largest health insurance providers, Entidades Promotoras de Salud (EPS) Sanitas and Nueva EPS, to place them under government control. This move placed nearly half of Colombia’s health system users under government control, totaling 25.1 million people.

The EPS are insurance entities that manage affiliations, collect contributions, and ensure affiliates receive healthcare access under the Mandatory Health Plan (POS) by contracting with hospitals and clinics.

The Colombian government released a statement saying they were putting the two health insurance entities under government control due to financial concerns and alleged failure to meet reserve requirements set by the Superintendency of Health. The government’s control over EPSes in Colombia could have adverse effects in the mid to long-term on the financial stability of the Health System.

According to news reports from Pacientes Colombia, a Colombian Association representing 198 patient organizations, the interventions could compromise medical care quality for patients, including difficulty accessing medications and decreased service quality. The government’s control over EPSs in Colombia could have adverse effects in the mid to long-term on the financial stability of the Health System.

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Rafael Jimenez
Commercial Specialist