Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Australia market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Australia Tech Industry

The Australia tech industry offers U.S. firms a range of opportunities as it evolves in response to post COVID-19 pandemic challenges and opportunities.

Information and Communication Technology Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Artificial Intelligence Market

Australian businesses are increasingly implementing AI to achieve business goals and enhance data management. 

Information and Communication Technology Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Agricultural Robotics

The agricultural robotics sector in Australia is experiencing significant growth, driven by the need to enhance productivity and efficiency in farming.

Agribusiness Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Recreational Marine Industry

Australia’s recreational marine market offers opportunities for a broad range of U.S. recreational marine products and services suppliers.

Marine Technology Australia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Australia Manufacturing Welding Robots

Australian industries, from construction, mining, and energy to shipbuilding are seek to productivity with automation solutions, including welding robots.  

Robotics Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Purified Recycled Water

Australia’s water management utilities are exploring potable and non-potable purified recycled water to address water scarcity and ensure long-term resilience.

Water and Wastewater Australia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Australia Oral Health Market

Despite competition, the Australian oral health market offers promise for U.S. firms due to population growth, aging population, and rising disposable incomes.

Dental Equipment and Supplies Australia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Australian Strategic Defense Review

The Australian Strategic Defense set the agenda for ambitious reform and a blueprint for policy, defense planning and resourcing for the coming decades. 

Defense Equipment Australia Trade Policy
Market Intelligence
Australia Cosmetics Regulations

U.S. cosmetic companies are advised to review Australian regulatory practices in order to take advantage of the US$3 billion market.

Cosmetics and Toiletries Australia Technical Regulations
Market Intelligence
Australia Healthcare Biotechnology

The Australian Government is fostering a robust biotechnology industry that attracts recognition, promotes research and commercializes new therapeutic products.

Medical Devices Australia Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
Australia Automotive Trends

The full-size truck market in Australia is expanding, providing opportunities for U.S. companies. 

Automotive Australia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Australia Equipment and Machinery Robotics

The Australian Government has been actively promoting the development and adoption of robotics and automation technologies.  

Robotics Australia
Market Intelligence
Australia Energy Climate Legislation

In March 2023, Australia’s parliament passed the country’s most significant emissions reduction legislation in more than a decade. 

Renewable Energy Australia Trade Policy
Market Intelligence
Australia Energy Solar Energy

Rooftop solar is poised to overtake coal as Australia’s biggest source of generation capacity, as new installations accelerate the decline of fossil fuel. 

Solar Energy Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Environmental Technology Plastics

U.S. companies offering waste management and recycling solutions may find new opportunities in NSW after the state government banned single-use plastic.

Waste Management and Recycling Australia Export Potential