Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Australia market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Australia Sporting Goods Market

The Australian sporting goods market is valued at approximately USD 1.25 billion.

Sporting Goods Australia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Australia's Defense Spending 2023-2033

For fifteen years Australia has consistently been a leading U.S. defense market and a major importer from all sources.

Aerospace and Defense Australia Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Australia Aerospace and Defense

Australia is consistently a leading U.S. defense market and major importer from all sources.

Aviation Australia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Australia Sporting Goods Market

The Australian sporting goods market has diverse opportunities for U.S. exporters.

Sporting Goods Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australian Automotive Industry

Australia’s auto market is mature, with modest growth expected going forward.

Automotive Australia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Australia Travel and Tourism

Following the removal of pandemic-related outbound travel restrictions, the number of Australian travelers to the United States is on the rebound.

Travel and Tourism Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia's Green Hydrogen Future

The newly elected Australian government has committed to accelerate clean energy transition efforts.

Renewable Energy Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Rail Infrastructure Investment

Australia is experiencing record levels of investment in infrastructure.

Machinery and Tools Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Resource Recovery and Recycling

The waste and resource recovery industry manage considerable waste and recycling assets across all Australian states and territories.

Waste Management Services Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Renewable Energy

Australia’s renewable energy sector has shown remarkable growth over the past five years.

Electricity Infrastructure Australia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Australia Healthcare

Australia is the ninth-largest export market for U.S. manufacturers of medical products.  

Healthcare Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Australia Defense Market Developments

Australia is spending $200+ Billion on defense acquisition through 2030 which represents a major opportunities for U.S. industry. 

Aerospace and Defense Australia Export Marketing
Market Intelligence
Australia Education

Int’l education is Australia’s 4th biggest export valued at $27B in 2019 covering higher education, Vocational & Training services, schools, and non-award.

Education Australia Export Marketing
Market Intelligence
Australia Industrial Additive Manufacturing

The value of Australia’s total Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing market is estimated at USD70 million. 

3D Printing Australia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Australia Defense Industry

Australia has committed to a ten year, USD 200 billion defense acquisition program thru to 2030. 

Defense Equipment Asia Pacific Export Potential