Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Australia market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Australia Site Remediation

Australia has recently developed a national framework for the remediation and management of contaminated sites in both Australia and New Zealand. 

Chemicals Australia Soil Conservation
Market Intelligence
Australia ECommerce

Australia’s eCommerce market is growing rapidly. 

Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Business to Business
Market Intelligence
Australia Hydrogen Energy Plans

The Australian Federal and State Governments are pursuing hydrogen fuel and power projects. 

Electricity Infrastructure Australia Economic Development
Market Intelligence
Australian Tax-Low Value Imports

Goods entering Australia and valued at AUD1,000 attract a goods and services (GST) tax.  Low value imports (AUD1,000 or less) may also be subject to a GST tax. 

Retail Trade Australia Landed Costs
Market Intelligence
Australia Dental Industry

The Australian healthcare industry is dependent on imported equipment and demand is high for high quality, innovative dental products. 

Medical Devices Australia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Australia Tools and Equipment

Australian independent distributors of high end industrial goods have expressed interest in sourcing high-end U.S.-made products that might be used by both trade and DIY customers.

Hardware Stores Australia Export Marketing
Market Intelligence
Australia Infrastructure Priorities

American companies offering engineering, consulting or technology solutions could consider partnering with local engineering firms in one of Australia’s five priority areas.

Design and Construction Australia Export Marketing
Market Intelligence
Australia Death Care Market

The ownership and operations of cemeteries, memorial parks and crematoria in Australia is largely the responsibility of state or local authorities. Suppliers of funeral products traditionally enter the Australian market by working with an existing distributor. 

Death Care Australia Export Potential
Market Intelligence
Australia Plastics Industry

Total demand in Australia for plastics and articles of plastics under HS Chapter 39 is estimated at US$6.2 billion. Imports satisfy 70 percent of the Australian market. The most common method of market entry is to appoint a local Australian stocking distributor.

Plastics Production Machinery Australia Export Potential