Market Intelligence
Water and Wastewater Australia Trade Opportunities

Australia Purified Recycled Water

While some regions have implemented indirect potable reuse schemes, where recycled water is discharged into natural water bodies and subsequently treated again, direct potable reuse has been less prevalent. Factors such as water scarcity, public perception, regulatory frameworks, and technological advancements have had an impact on the acceptance and adoption of potable reuse.

Sydney Water is Australia’s largest water utility, providing water, wastewater, recycled water and some stormwater services to 5.3 million people. By 2050, Sydney Water will service another two million people. To enable this growth in an integrated and sustainable way, Sydney Water will invest AU$34 billion (~US$22 billion)  over the next 10 years to renew existing assets, deliver new investments in water supply, recycled water, stormwater and waterway management, and renewable sources of energy while ensuring system resilience to shocks and stressors. Sydney Water’s Long-Term Capital and Operational Plan (LTCOP) outlines a comprehensive strategy to address population growth, climate variability, and infrastructure upgrades.

The utility recently invested AU$26 million (~US$17 million) in a Purified Recycled Water (PRW) demonstration plant in Western Sydney,  which signifies a proactive step towards securing the city’s water future amidst declining dam levels. The PRW plant, located in Quakers Hill, is a pivotal component of Sydney Water’s plan. It showcases advanced technology capable of treating recycled water to supplement drinking water sources reliably and safely.

The adoption of PRW is not unique to Sydney, with over 35 cities worldwide integrating it into their drinking water supply systems. Notable examples include Singapore, Orange County (USA), San Diego (USA), and Perth (Western Australia).

Sydney Water’s investment in PRW demonstrates a proactive approach to address water scarcity and ensure a resilient future for Greater Sydney. The pursuit of innovative water management practices such as PRW, makes Australia a very important market for American suppliers of water treatment solutions to explore.

For more information on the Australian market for water and wastewater treatment solutions please contact the U.S. Commercial Service in Australia: