Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Poland Energy Storage to be Installed in Homes En masse

Every Pole who has photovoltaics on his or her roof will strive to install energy storage.

Electricity Infrastructure Poland Quality Systems
Market Intelligence
Poland aerospace country increases contribution to European Space Agency

In 2023, Poland considerably increased its contribution to the European Space Agency for the years 2023-2025. New projects for the Polish space sector are ahead

Space Poland Regional Organizations
Market Intelligence
Poland Infrastructure Rail Baltica project in Lithuania new tendering procedure

LTG Infra has launched a new tendering procedure for construction of a new double track embarkment, engineering structures and roads.

Construction Equipment and Machinery Lithuania Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence

The Solidarity Transport Hub (STH), presents significant opportunities for U.S. companies interested in engineering and project management.

Aviation Europe Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Poland Aerospace Polish airline LOT to expand to 20 new destinations

Poland’s national airline LOT has unveiled a robust strategy for 2024-2028, eyeing nearly 30 percent growth.

Air Transportation Poland Air Transport
Market Intelligence
Poland Energy Billions in Spending to Transform Polish Heating System

This article summarizes a major report assessing the impact of the EU’s Fit for 55 Package settlement on the Polish district heating industry.

Renewable Energy Poland Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Poland Onshore wind energy 10H distance rule liberalized

The Polish government is liberalizing the so-called 10h rule, which was introduced by the 2016 Distance Law.

Wind Energy Poland Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Poland Education country plans to buy over 360,000 laptops for school children

Poland’s Ministry of Digitization announced the largest public tender for laptops for school children.

Distance Learning Poland Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Poland ICT Country ranks far behind other EU States in digitization

Poland ranks as one of least digitized countries in the EU and lacks a global digitization strategy.

Information and Communication Technology Poland Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Poland Infrastructure Lithuania Baltica Project High-Speed Rail Planned Train Purchase

LTG Link has begun consultations with market participants on purchase of 10 or 14 high speed passenger trains to be used from 2028.

Rail Transportation Poland Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
Poland Infrastructure LTG Infra launches five public tenders for Lithuania Rail Baltica project

LTG Infra has launched five public tenders for design and design supervision services.

Railroad Equipment Poland Tendering
Market Intelligence
Poland ICT Cyberattacks in Poland take place every 9 minutes

In 2022, number of cyberattacks grew significantly in Poland. Private, but also public sector – administration, hospitals, banking and other have been a target.

Cybersecurity Poland Information Technology
Market Intelligence
Poland’s Space Market

The Polish space sector has been developing rapidly since Poland’s accession to the European Space Agency in 2012.

Space Poland Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Poland Healthcare MOU with network of American oncology centers.

Poland signed an agreement with the National Comprehensive Cancer Network of American oncology centers on cancer treatment, research & education.

Healthcare Facilities Poland Partnership
Market Intelligence
Poland Coal Gasification

Coal gasification technology, production of syngas from hard coal, is an opportunity for Polish coal mining to provide ecological fuel for power generation.

Coal Poland Trade Promotion