Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Poland market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Poland Information Technology 5G auction preperations - opportunity to comment

Poland consultations for 5G auction will last until January 31, 2023.  Provisions on high-risk suppliers not included.

Telecommunications Services Poland Services Barriers
Market Intelligence
Poland Travel and Tourism LOT Polish Airlines-JetBlue Airways Agreement

LOT Polish Airlines has signed an intertwine agreement with U.S. carrier JetBlue Airways, creating new opportunities for travel and tourism businesses.

Airlines Poland Air Transport
Market Intelligence
Poland Energy Biogas

According to various estimates, Poland has the potential to produce as much as 8 billion cubic meters of biomethane, or 30.5 TWh of electricity, from biogas.

Renewable Energy Poland Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
Poland Foreign Military Financing

The U.S. Congress approved the transfer of USD288.6 million to Poland as part of Foreign Military Financing.

Aerospace and Defense Poland Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Poland Gdansk Port Infrastructure

GdaÅ„sk, the largest port in the Baltic Sea, is undergoing construction of a deep-water quay for container ships. 

Construction Technology Poland Investment
Market Intelligence
Poland's Defense Spending

In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Poland will increase defense spending to 3% of GDP and more than double the number of troops.

Defense Equipment Poland Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Poland Electric Vehicles

Electromobility is accelerating in Poland. Unfortunately, the available charging infrastructure is not keeping up with the growing demand.

Automotive Poland Transport Infrastructure
Market Intelligence
Poland Hydrogen Strategy

By 2050, Poland may become one of the most competitive producers of green hydrogen in the European Union. 

Energy Poland
Market Intelligence
Poland Electric Power

Heat pumps are an attractive alternative to fossil fuels for heating private households. Poland’s annual heat pump market is worth $500 million.

Energy Poland
Market Intelligence
Poland Green Hydrogen

Green Hydrogen is a priority in Poland in alignment with European Union energy policy. 

Renewable Energy Poland
Market Intelligence
Poland Green Biogas

The cost of building 1,500-2,000 biogas plants in Poland will be nearly $20 billion over the next 10 years. 

Renewable Fuels Europe Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Poland Smart Metering

The development of smart grid technologies in Poland presents opportunities for U.S. providers of intelligent solutions for electricity distribution grids.

Grid Transmission Distribution Poland
Market Intelligence
Poland PGE's LTE450 Network

The Polish Energy Group (PGE) has recently adopted a new strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.   

Electricity Infrastructure Poland
Market Intelligence
Poland Offshore Wind Terminal

U.S. companies are encouraged to explore Poland’s offshore wind farm projects, that are significant to the countries energy transition to a low-carbon economy.

Renewable Energy Poland Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
Poland Electric Power Investment

Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE) is Poland’s largest company in the electrical power sector. 

Energy Poland Bid