Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Colombia Safety and Security Industry

Colombia’s national strategy for improving safety and security is an opportunity for U.S. equipment and technology providers.

Safety and Security Colombia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Security Market in 2021

The UK is ranking fifth in the global security export markets behind the U.S., Japan, China and Germany with opportunities for U.S. security companies. 

Authentication and Anti-Counterfeiting Services United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Spain Drone Technologies Budget Forecast

Spain plans to spend over $190 million dollars on drone technology over the next two years.

Scanning and Detection Systems Spain
Market Intelligence
Honduras Security Technology

Honduras continues to create safe urban centers, with increased investment in data analytics and other technology to support crime deterrence.

Security Technology Honduras
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Cybersecurity

ASEAN members will invest US$171 billion collectively on Cybersecurity between 2017 and 2025.

Cybersecurity Malaysia
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Cybersecurity Market

The UK cyber security market, valued at over $7 billion, is regarded as the largest cyber security market in Europe.

Cybersecurity United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Spain Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Regulation

A new regulation has been approved for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).

Safety and Security Spain
Market Intelligence
Honduras 5G Emerging Market

U.S. 5G solutions providers will find a receptive market in public and private sectors of Honduras. 

Wireless Honduras
Market Intelligence
Colombia Cybersecurity Outlook

U.S. cybersecurity companies may find business opportunities in providing cutting-edge cyber solutions to Colombian companies.

Cybersecurity Colombia
Market Intelligence
Czech Republic Cybersecurity

The Czech government approved its National Cybersecurity Strategy for 2021 – 2025.

Cybersecurity Czech Republic
Market Intelligence
Japan Teleworking Cybersecurity Risks

The pandemic combined with the postponed Olympics accelerated Japan’s effort to reach 70% telework adoption.

Cybersecurity Japan
Market Intelligence
Egypt Data Protection

Egypt’s data protection law imposes requirements for data processing, handling of sensitive data, electronic marketing, and cross-border transfer of data.

Cybersecurity Egypt Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Security The Future of Policing

The United Kingdoms’ Home Office and National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) are undertaking a market assessment.

Safety and Protection United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Austria Cybersecurity

Despite of the economic downturn and overall cuts in IT budgets, the demand for cyber security solutions in Austria continues to grow by 6-9% per year and offers a range of opportunities for innovative U.S. companies.

Cybersecurity Austria
Market Intelligence
Spain Port Security

Opportunities for U.S. companies can be found in Spain’s port security sector.

Security Services Spain