Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Ireland Cyber Readiness Opportunities

Ireland increases spending on cybersecurity to combat recent ransomware attacks. 

Cybersecurity Ireland
Market Intelligence
EU Security and Customs Equipment

The security situation in Europe has led the European Union (EU) and its member countries to invest more money in border security.

Scanning and Detection Systems EU Customs Barriers
Market Intelligence
Qatar – Cybersecurity Sector

As Qatar gets ready to host the FIFA World Cup the country’s physical infrastructure will be put to the test as will its less-tangible, cyber infrastructure.

Cybersecurity Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Greece Cyber Security Strategy

Greece’s ongoing digital transformation initiated by the Greek government, is documented in the “Digital Transformation Bible” plan for 2020-2025.

Cybersecurity Greece
Market Intelligence
Vietnam: Cybersecurity Data Localization Requirements

Decree 53/2022/ND-CP elaborates on the data retention requirements for domestic and foreign enterprises.

Cybersecurity Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Argentina: Cybersecurity Solutions

There is growing awareness of the importance of cybersecurity across Argentina.

Cybersecurity Argentina
Market Intelligence
Canada Law Enforcement Equipment and Uniform Modernization

Commitments by the Royal Canadian Mountain Police to modernize equipment offers opportunities for U.S. exporters of law enforcement goods.

Police Equipment Canada
Market Intelligence

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has resources that can help American manufacturers.

Cybersecurity China
Market Intelligence
India Cybersecurity Market

India, a fast growing digital economies in the world, presents huge opportunities for U.S. tech companies providing innovative solutions in Cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity India Information Technology
Market Intelligence
New Zealand Natural Disaster Resilience

New Zealand’s geography is shaped by its location known as the Ring of Fire surrounding the Pacific Ocean.  

Incident Reporting Systems New Zealand Climate
Market Intelligence
Turkey Safety & Security: Disaster Management

This article covers opportunities in Turkey in Safety & Security: Disaster Management sector.

Safety and Security Turkey
Market Intelligence
El Salvador New Cybersecurity Policy

The new cybersecurity policy creates business opportunities for suppliers of IT products and services and improves the business climate for U.S. providers. 

Cybersecurity El Salvador
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Cybersecurity

The Saudi National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) mandates registration process for cybersecurity solution providers.

Cybersecurity Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
El Salvador Security Funding

Changes on law enforcement spending creates an opportunity for U.S. providers of security products.  

Public Safety El Salvador
Market Intelligence
Greece Wildfire National Strategy

The 2021 wildfires in Greece devastated over 125,000 hectares of land and followed a historic heatwave (116.8 F). 

Firefighting and Rescue Equipment Greece Trade Development