Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Canada Firefighting Equipment

The intensification of wildfires in Canada provides U.S suppliers of firefighting equipment with many opportunities for growth.

Fire Safety and Rescue Equipment Canada
Market Intelligence
Japan Cybersecurity

Opportunity for U.S. cybersecurity companies for Business Development in East Asia.

Information and Communication Technology Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
India Safety and Security Market

India’s safety and security market provides opportunities for U.S. exporters.

Security Technology India Export Promotion
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Digital Economy

The digital economy contributes 22.6% to Malaysia’s GDP and is expected to rise to 25.5% by 2025.

Cybersecurity Malaysia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Defense and Security

Opportunities are growing for U.S. firms providing defense, safety, and security solutions to the enforcement agencies in Malaysia.

Safety Training Malaysia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Poland ICT Cyberattacks in Poland take place every 9 minutes

In 2022, number of cyberattacks grew significantly in Poland. Private, but also public sector – administration, hospitals, banking and other have been a target.

Cybersecurity Poland Information Technology
Market Intelligence
Singapore Cybersecurity Market

Singapore’s government invests in numerous initiatives to enhance the country’s cyber defenses. 

Cybersecurity Singapore
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Digital Governance

The World Bank approved a $150 million Digital Governance and Economy Project (EDGE) aimed towards developing Mozambique’s digital public services.

Telecommunications Equipment Mozambique Public Administration
Market Intelligence
Ghana eCommerce and Delivery Services

Ghana issues new registration requirements for eCommerce, logistics, and other digital business entities. 

Express Delivery Services Ghana Laws and Regulations
Market Intelligence
West Bank and Gaza Safety & Security Sector

The Palestinian market’s demand for safety and security equipment grows significantly.

Safety and Security West Bank and Gaza
Market Intelligence
Qatar Shooting and Hunting sector in 2023

Qatar continues to position itself as a sport-centric hub in the Middle East

Shotguns Qatar Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Ghana Safety and Security Market

New dimensions emerge for Ghana’s market for safety and security goods and services. 

Public Safety Ghana Foreign Trade Regulations
Market Intelligence
Ghana Space Science and Technology

Ghana Space Agency to begin full operations in 2023

Satellites Ghana Metrology
Market Intelligence
Taiwan NextGen Satellite Communications

Taiwan accepts LEO satellite license applications from November until the end of 2022. 

Cybersecurity Taiwan Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Ghana Cybersecurity

Ghana announces regulation of cybersecurity service providers and mandatory audits for critical information infrastructure owners. 

Cybersecurity Ghana Services Barriers