Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Construction Sector Opportunities

The construction market in Saudi Arabia has emerged as a leader in the Middle East and North Africa with an estimated size of USD 70.33 billion in 2024.

Design and Construction Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Poland Enviromental Technology Modernization Fund to spend billion euros on construction of waste incineration plant

Poland has several billion € allocated from the Modernization Fund for spending by the end of 2030, which will go to new energy sources, efficiency and networks

Waste Management and Recycling Poland Investment Incentives
Market Intelligence
Guyana Energy Sector Overview

Opportunities exist for U.S. companies to supply the oil and gas sector as well as meet limited renewable energy needs in Guyana. 


Energy Guyana
Market Intelligence
Guyana Infrastructure Sector

Market Intelligence report - Guyana Infrastructure Sector 

Design and Construction Guyana
Market Intelligence
Guyana Water Management Technology for Agriculture

Guyana Water Management Technology for Agriculture

Agribusiness Guyana
Market Intelligence
South Africa Design and Construction Affordable Housing Opportunities

Affordable Housing Opportunities in South Africa

Construction Technology South Africa Infrastructure Development
Market Intelligence
Italy: Landslide, Flood Management and Prevention

Opportunities may exist for hydro and geologic risk prevention, monitoring, engineering, land consolidation and reclamation.

Safety and Security Italy
Market Intelligence
Singapore Coastal Resilience and Flood Protection

Singapore Public Utilities Board (PUB) takes the helm in spearheading the development of an exhaustive coastal-inland flood model.

Environmental Remediation Singapore Environment and Natural Resources
Market Intelligence
Poland Energy Post-mining areas are turning into renewable energy basins

Areas previously used for mining operation, most of which are of low value for agriculture, are now becoming a place for the development of solar and wind farms

Renewable Energy Poland Privatization
Market Intelligence
Chile 2024 to 2026 Water investment

After more than 10 years of drought, water companies have an important investment plan for climate change, desalinization plants and water reuse problem.

Water and Wastewater Chile Trade Promotion
Market Intelligence
Brazil Rare Earth Mining Technology Opportunities

Brazil Needs Technology Innovation for Mining Rare Earths.

Environmental Remediation Brazil Environmental Management
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Infrastructure MCC Opportunities to Support New Bridge Construction in Northern Mozambique

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has published requests for proposals and information regarding engineering services to develop bridge in Mozambique. 

Design and Construction Mozambique
Market Intelligence
Poland Energy Storage to be Installed in Homes En masse

Every Pole who has photovoltaics on his or her roof will strive to install energy storage.

Electricity Infrastructure Poland Quality Systems
Market Intelligence
Ghana Affordable Housing

 New housing program seeks to promote affordable house ownership. 

Design and Construction Services Africa Finance
Market Intelligence
Pakistan Special Investment Facilitation Council

Pakistan established a Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) to lure investments.

Aerospace and Defense Pakistan